Translation of the song أكتر artist Assala Nasri



English translation


أكتر من اللي أنا بحلم بيه

More than what I dream of

مش قادرة اخبي أنا تاني عليه

I cannot hide again from him

ده أنا من أول ما قابلت عنيه ... نداني

From the first moment I met his eyes ... he called me

حبيبى معاك

My love, with you

حياتى و عمرى اللي أنا عايشاه

Is my life and my years that I am living

و أجمل و أصعب قولة آه

And the most beautiful and difficult saying yes

يسبني و أحس إن أنا وياه .. ثواني

He's leaving me and I feel that I am with him ... for seconds

و داريت على قلبي و أتمنيت

And I hid it in my heart and I wished

قلبك يجيني و يقول كل اللي حاسس بيه

That your heart came to me and told me everything that it is feeling

و اهو بان الشوق عليا اهو بان

And the longing has appeared to me

واهو كل شئ بأوان قال إيه بأخبي عليه

And he is everything to me, suddenly he said what am I hiding from him

وياك لو حتى وانت بعيد

With you, even if you're far away

الشوق اليك بيزيد

The longing for you increases

وأفضل افكر فيك

And I keep thinking about you

لو أقول عنك كلامي يطول

If I talk about you, the word's won't end

و أفضل سنين وأيام

And I keep staying years and days

اوصف غرامي انا بيك

Describing my love for you

أكتر من اللي أنا بحلم بيه

More than what I dream of

مش قادرة اخبي أنا تاني عليه

I cannot hide again from him

ده أنا من أول ما قابلت عنيه ... نداني

From the first moment I met his eyes ... he called me

حبيبى معاك

My love, with you

حياتى و عمرى اللي أنا عايشاه

Is my life and my years that I am living

و أجمل و أصعب قولة آه

And the most beautiful and difficult saying yes

يسبني و أحس إن أنا وياه .. ثواني

He's leaving me and I feel that I am with him ... for seconds

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