Translation of the song أنت وأنا artist Assala Nasri


أنت وأنا

English translation

You and I

انت وانا واقفين سوا على مركبة من غير شراع

You and I are standing together on a sailless boat.

انت وانا واقفين سوا على مركبة من غير شراع

You and I are standing together on a sailless boat.

عمال بيحدفنا الهوا بين اللقا و بين الوداع

The workers disturb our passion from meeting to farewell.

عمال بيحدفنا الهوا بين اللقا و بين الوداع

The workers disturb our passion from meeting to farewell.

و عشان تعدى المركبة و توصلك بر السلام

And for the boat to travel and take you safely,

لازم نقلل حملها وانزل انا من غير كلام

it must reduce its weight, and so I will leave without any words.

و عشان تعدى المركبة و توصلك بر السلام

And for the boat to travel and take you safely,

لازم نقلل حملها وانزل انا من غير كلام

it must reduce its weight, and so I will leave without any words.

انت وانا انت انت انت و انا

You and I.. you, you, you and I.

مش عايزة اسمعلك كلام تواسينى بيه خليك صريح

I don't want to hear you console me about it.. be honest.

من امتى يا بحر الالام الجرح بيداوى الجريح

Since when, oh you sea of sadness, does a wound heal the wounded?

مش عايزة اسمعلك كلام تواسينى بيه خليك صريح

I don't want to hear you console me about it.. be honest.

من امتى يا بحر الالام الجرح بيداوى الجريح

Since when, oh you sea of sadness, does a wound heal the wounded?

انسى اللى قلبك وادعه واضحك على الموج و اخدعه

Forget the one who your heart farewelled, and smile at the wave and deceive him.

واوصل لاحلااامك قوام مبقاش فى وقت تضيعه

And reach for your dreams with strength.. there is no time to be lost.

و عشان تعدى المركبة و توصلك بر السلام

And for the boat to travel and take you safely,

لازم نقلل حملها وانزل انا من غير كلام

it must reduce its weight, and so I will leave without any words.

و عشان تعدى المركبة و توصلك بر السلام

And for the boat to travel and take you safely,

لازم نقلل حملها وانزل انا من غير كلام

it must reduce its weight, and so I will leave without any words.

انت وانا انت انت انت و انا

You and I.. you, you, you and I.

مش عارفة مين فينا البريء

I don't know which of us is innocent.

انت انا مش عارفة غير

I don't know you anymore.

قلبى انا هو الغريق ولقانا ده هو الاخير

My heart is the one drowning, and this was our last meeting.

مش عارفة مين فينا البريء

I don't know which of us is innocent.

انت انا مش عارفة غير

I don't know you anymore.

قلبى انا هو الغريق ولقانا ده هو الاخير

My heart is the one drowning, and this was our last meeting.

كل اللى شفته واعرفه واقدر اقوله واوصفه

Whoever sees him and knows him, and could tell and describe it to him,

كل اللى شفته واعرفه واقدر اقوله واوصفه

Whoever sees him and knows him, and could tell and describe it to him,

كان لينا حلم زمان رقيق ولقيتك انت بتخطفه

We had a brief dream together, and I found out that you took it away.

و عشان تعدى المركبة و توصلك بر السلام

And for the boat to travel and take you safely,

لازم نقلل حملها وانزل انا من غير كلام

it must reduce its weight, and so I will leave without any words.

و عشان تعدى المركبة و توصلك بر السلام

And for the boat to travel and take you safely,

لازم نقلل حملها وانزل انا من غير كلام

it must reduce its weight, and so I will leave without any words.

انت وانا انت انت انت و انا

You and I.. you, you, you and I.

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