Translation of the song الحب artist Assala Nasri



English translation

The love

الحب وعذاب الحب و وجع القلب احساس بياخدنا بعيد وياه

Love, suffering of love and heartache in all is a feeling that we are driven away with

العمر بيفوت ويمر بين حلو ومر وطريق ماشينه اسمه حياه

Our days1 go and pass through weal and woe2in a bout we are taking named Life

ضحكتنا ودمعتنا في حياتانا حكايتنا مع ناس

Our smile and our tear make our stories in life with some people:

وده جنيك اقربلك من قلبك وفي طيبته مفيش

One who is by your side, closer to your heart and kindest of all3

ده بيكره وده بايع بالفطرة ومعندوش احساس

Another is a hater, third is an instinctively feeling-less cheater

والقلب اللي مبيحبش يبقا خسارة يعيش

The heart that doesn't love doesn't deserve to live.

ضَحِكتِنا وَدَمِعتنا ڤِي حَيّاتنا حِكاياتنا مَعَ ناسَ

Our smile and our tear make our stories in life with some people:

وَدَّهُ جَنْيكِ اقربلك مَن قَلْبكِ وَفِيّ طِيبتهُ مفيش

One who is by your side, closer to your heart and kindest of all

ده بيكره وَدَّهُ بايَعَ بِالفُطْرَة ومعندوش إِحْساس

Another is a hater, third is an instinctively feeling-less cheater

وَالقَلْب اللَيّ مبيحبش يَبِقا خَسارَة يَعِيش

The heart that doesn't love doesn't deserve to live.

طريق بتختاره بإرادتك وتمشيه مهما بيكون صعب

(It is) A road you choose by your free will and take no matter how hard it is

ساعات بتلاقي في سعادتك ساعات ياخدك لجرح وغلب

Sometime you find your happiness within, sometimes it leads you to wound and oppression

وناس عنك تشيل همك ويفرحوا لو تكون فرحان

Some people sweep your worries away and enjoy your joy with you,

وده منك ومن دمك لكن باعك في لحظة وخان

and others, of your own blood4, cheat on you in an instant

ضَحِكتِنا وَدَمِعتنا ڤِي حَيّاتنا حِكايتنا مَعَ ناسَ

Our smile and our tear make our stories in life with some people:

وَدَّهُ جَنْيكِ اقربلك مَن قَلْبكِ وَفِيّ طِيبتهُ مفيش

One who is by your side, closer to your heart and kindest of all

ده بيكره وَدَّهُ بايَعَ بِالفُطْرَة ومعندوش إِحْساس

Another is a hater, third is an instinctively feeling-less cheater

وَالقَلْب اللَيّ مبيحبش يَبِقا خَسارَة يَعِيش

The heart that doesn't love doesn't deserve to live.

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