Translation of the song بيان artist Assala Nasri



English translation

My statement

بياننا صادر بيان

My statement issued, and its as follows.

بياننا صادر وموثقة طيبي

My statement was issued and documented by my kindness.

شمس الحقيقة ترا منت بحاجبها

The sun of truth, trust me, you won't be able to hide it.

قد طال صبري على صدي وتعذيبي

It took me so long to be patient on your tortured and parting.

إلا الكرامة ترا تجهل عواقبها

Dignity is the only one you don't realise what its consequences are?

بياننا صادر وموثقة طيبي

My statement was issued and documented by my kindness.

شمس الحقيقة ترا منت بحاجبها

The sun of truth, trust me, you won't be able to hide it.

قد طال صبري على صدي وتعذيبي

It took me so long to be patient on your tortured and parting.

إلا الكرامة ترا تجهل عواقبها

Dignity is the only one you don't realise what its consequences are?

بذلت في الوصل أنا شتى الاسليبي

I have made various styles to become closer to you as I could.

حتى العواذل أنا وحدي أجابها

Even those who blame me for your love, I alone encountered them.

يا جافي الوصل مني ما ظهر عيبي

Why are you estranged from me? Even though it did not appear any defects on me.

وتعال نجمع جروحي منك واحسبها

Come and collect my wounds and calculate them.

بذلت في الوصل أنا شتى الاسليبي

I have made various styles to become closer to you as I could.

حتى العواذل أنا وحدي أجابها

Even those who blame me for your love, I alone encountered them.

يا جافي الوصل مني ما ظهر عيبي

Why are you estranged from me? Even though it did not appear any defects on me.

وتعال نجمع جروحي منك واحسبها

Come and collect my wounds and calculate them.

بياننا صادر وموثقة طيبي

My statement was issued and documented by my kindness.

شمس الحقيقة ترا منت بحاجبها

The sun of truth, trust me, you won't be able to hide it.

قد طال صبري على صدي وتعذيبي

It took me so long to be patient on your tortured and parting.

إلا الكرامة ترا تجهل عواقبها

Dignity is the only one you don't realise what its consequences are?

ناديت بالصوت

I called with my voice

ناديت بالصوت

I called with my voice

ناديت بالصوت لكن ما من مجيبي

I called with my voice, but there is no answer

وجدران بيتي من همومي محاربها

The walls of my house are pushed me away because of my troubles.

وظنيت ظناً أثاري ظني مصيبي

I suspected and what I doubted in my mind became true.

مالله بكتاب لنا اللقيا وسبايبها

God didn't write for us to be encounter again.

ناديت بالصوت لكن ما من مجيبي

I called with my voice, but there is no answer

وجدران بيتي من همومي محاربها

The walls of my house are pushed me away because of my troubles.

وظنيت ظناً أثاري ظني مصيبي

I suspected and what I doubted in my mind became true.

مالله بكتاب لنا اللقيا وسبايبها

God didn't write for us to be encounter again.

تعبت أودع قلوب وظني يخيبي

I'm tired of depositing hearts; I'm disappointed.

وخيبات الأحلام طعني لا تجربها

And the dream of disappointments is so painful, do not think to experience it.

الست أدري بخيباتي وتجريبي؟

I know very well my disappointments and my experiences?

الست تلمح دموعي حين اسكبها؟

Do you not see my tears when I pour it?

تعبت أودع قلوب وظني يخيبي

I'm tired of depositing hearts; I'm disappointed.

وخيبات الأحلام طعني لا تجربها

And the dream of disappointments is so painful, do not think to experience it.

ألستُ أدري بخيباتي وتجريبي؟

I know very well my disappointments and my experiences?

ألستَ تلمح دموعي حين اسكبها؟

Do you not see my tears when I pour it?

بياننا صادر وموثقة طيبي

My statement was issued and documented by my kindness.

شمس الحقيقة ترا منت بحاجبها

The sun of truth, trust me, you won't be able to hide it.

قد طال صبري على صدي وتعذيبي

It took me so long to be patient on your tortured and parting.

إلا الكرامة ترا تجهل عواقبها

Dignity is the only one you don't realise what its consequences are?

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