Translation of the song تخيل بكرة احلى artist Assala Nasri


تخيل بكرة احلى

English translation

Imagine A More Beautiful Tomorrow

حياتي وحياتك

My life and yours

مواقف كتيرة وحاجات

are [made out] of many situations and things

لما بنفتكرها بنفرح

that make us happy when we remember them

ونضحك ساعات

And make us laugh sometimes

في ألبوم صورنا

In the album of our photos

معاني ودنيا وحياة

there are meanings, a world, a life

وإحساس جميل بينا

And a beautiful feeling between us

إحنا في يوم حسيناه

that we sensed one day

ذكريات جمعتنا ببعضنا

Memories brought us close to each other,

أغلى أصحاب وناس بتحبنا

[And] the most precious friends and people who love us

الحياة والدنيا رحلة

Life and the world is a journey

طب تخيل بكره أحلى

Well, imagine a more beautiful tomorrow

وإن كل حاجة ممكنة

and that everything would be possible

سنينك قصادك

Your years are ahead of you

ولسه الطريق مانتهاش

And the road has still not come to an end

مليون لحظة حلوة جيالنا

Millions of beautiful moments await us

و ما عشنهاش

and we still haven't lived them

بتخلص حكاية

A story ends

بتبدأ وراها حكايات

And others unfold right after it

وفرحتنا باللي جاي

And our happiness with what's to come

أجمل كتير من اللي فات

is much more beautiful than our happiness with the past

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