Translation of the song خانات الذكريات artist Assala Nasri


خانات الذكريات

English translation

The Memory Columns

يلا عادي مش حكايه

It's okay, not a big deal

يعني مش طالبة دراما

Let's not make it out to be a drama

مش هتفرق شىء معايا

You won't matter for a thing to me

حتي مش هتسيب علامه

You won't even leave a mark

اما اعراض انسحابك

As for your withdrawal symptoms

من حياتي مش قضيه

as you leave my life; it's not an issue

مش هلومك مش هعيش

I won't blame you; I won't

جوا شخصية الضحيه

play the victim

يلا ..عادي

Let it be, it's all normal

و يلا عادي

Let it be, it's all normal

هي جات علي جرحي يعني

My wounds are not that much of a deal

مالجراح بالكوم فقلبي

there are wounds by the number in my heart

عادي يعني

So everything is normal

بس كان فيه شبر فاضي

But there was an empty inch

حط جرحك فيه وزود

wound me there and add

اسمي جوه الخانه ماضي

My name to the column that says the past

وجرح في خانة التعود

and a wound under the column being desensitized

وفخانات الذكريات

And under the columns of memories

حط اسمك فالمواجع

Place your name among the pains

تحت خانة الملحوظات

Under the column for notes

اكتب ان الجرح واجع

write that the wound is painful

اما فالخانه هنرجع

As for the column we will return,

اكتب انه معدش نافع

Write that it's not possible anymore

انت حاجة من الحاجات

You are but one of the many things

اللي فحياتي كتيرة

in my life

لو بترتيب الخانات

And if we run the order of column priority

انت فالخانة الاخيرة

You are at the last column

انته جاهل في المشاعر

You are ignorant of feelings

والكلام وياك خساره

Talking to you is pointless

ف امتحان الغدر قادر

If there would be a test in treachery you would ace it

تبقي اول وبجداره

You'd come in first place and pass with flying colors

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