Translation of the song شموخ عزي artist Assala Nasri
شموخ عزي
The Might of My Dignity
من يقول إنّك تحب؟ من يقول إنّك وفيت؟
When have you ever loved? When were you ever loyal to love?
..كل هذا كان لعب ياما خذت و لاعطيت
All of this was a game to you. You always took but never gave..
كافي ما جا منك كافي, بان لي ماكان خافي
Enough! What you've done is enough. What was hidden is now clear before me
..كنت اظن الحب وافي و اثر حبك خسارة
I took your love as sincere and it was but a fallacy. It was but a fallacy..
كم تناسينا خطاك؟ ما يهمك وش يصير
How many times have I made myself forget? You never cared what would happen
..بعت قلبي اللي عطاك, صدق ما عندك ضمير
You gave my heart up when it's given you so much. How unfaithful you must have been..
غلطتي ارخصت نفسي يوم اضويتك بشمسي
My mistake it was for I cheapened myself by letting you bask in my sun
..بكرا ماهو مثل أمسي, قلبي و تغير مساره
But my tomorrow will not be like my past, my heart has already changed its course. My heart and it's changed its course..
كان قلبي في يديك, ضامنَه لا ما يخون
You had my heart in your hands. Confident of its devotion, confident it will not cheat
..لا و لا بحلمك اجيك! هذا في حكم الجنون
Not even in your dreams will I return to you! That would be madness on my behalf..
اذكّرك ياللي انت ناسي و آقف بوجهك يا قاسي
But I will remind you, you forgetful one. And I'll stand in your face, o cruel one
..شموخ عزي و احساسي يسوى كوني و مداره
The might of my dignity and my sentiment equals my universe and its orbit. It equals my universe and its orbit.