Translation of the song غمض عيونك artist Assala Nasri
غمض عيونك
Close your eyes
حبيبي غمض عيونك
My love close your eyes.
خيالي بيرسمك لوحة
My imagination will paint a painting for you.
وطبيعي يضيّع علومه
And it will be normal to lose it way,
اذا سلهمت بعيونك
When I am deeply looking to your eyes.
اذوب فساحر لحونك
I am melting in your magical tune.
ونبرتي المبحوحة
And your hoarseness tone.
واذا به اذن محرومة
Even if there are deprived ears.
فهي ما سمعت لحونك
They didn’t hear your tunes.
حبيبي غمض عيونك
My love close your eyes.
خيالي بيرسمك لوحة
My imagination will paint a painting for you.
وطبيعي يضيّع علومه
And it will be normal to lose it way,
اذا سلهمت بعيونك
When I am deeply looking to your eyes.
اذوب فساحر لحونك
I am melting in your magical tune.
ونبرتي المبحوحة
And your hoarseness tone.
واذا به اذن محرومة
Even if there are deprived ears.
فهي ما سمعت لحونك
They didn’t hear your tunes.
طبيعي قلبي يصونك
It will be normal to keep you in my heart,
بسكون وجيّة وروحه
With it calmness and soul.
وطبيعي يقهر خصومه
And It will be normal to defeat it opponent.
لانه راغب يصونك
Because it wants to keep you.
ومن هو كان مجنونك
And it was madly wanted you.
وعطاك احساسه وروحه
And it gave you his sense and his soul.
فمنهو يقدر يلومه
And who’s can blame it?
اذا ما صار مجنونك
If it becomes and gets crazy about you.
(حبيبي غمض عيونك)
(My love close your eyes)
(خيالي بيرسمك لوحة)
(My imagination will paint a painting for you)
(وطبيعي يضيّع علومه)
(And it will be normal to lose it way)
(اذا سلهمت بعيونك)
(When I am deeply looking to your eyes)
كثير اللي يحبونك
Many people loving you.
كثير يفاخر ببوحه
Many take pride in your conversations.
كثير قلوب مكلومة
Many grieving hearts.
يا ويل اللي يحبونك
Oh woe who loves you,
وما اظهرت مكنونك
And you didn't express what are you hiding .
وخلق وناس مجروحة
And how greatly wounded people.
نهاية ناس محتومة
The end of those people is inevitable.
اذا اظهرت مكنونك
If you express what are you hiding.
كثير اللي يحبونك
Many people loving you.
كثير يفاخر ببوحه
Many take pride in your conversations.
كثير قلوب مكلومة
Many grieving hearts.
يا ويل اللي يحبونك
Oh woe who loving you,
وما اظهرت مكنونك
And you didn't express what are you hiding.
وخلق وناس مجروحة
And how greatly wounded people.
نهاية ناس محتومة
The end of those people is inevitable.
اذا اظهرت مكنونك
If you express what are you hiding
وقلّي لا هنا دونك
And say no happiness without you.
وخل السيرة مفضوحة
and let the whole story exposed.
حكاية عشق محسومة
A decisive love story.
انا كيف احيا من دونك
How do I live without you?
انا وحدي لي عيونك
Just me alone, I have your eyes.
انا الرسام واللوحة
I am a painter and a painting.
وغيري ضاعت علومه
And others except me, you will be losing their news.
انا وحدي لي عيونك
Just me alone, I have your eyes.
انا وحدي لي عيونك
Just me alone, I have your eyes.
انا الرسام واللوحة
I am a painter and a painting.
وغيري ضاعت علومه
And others except me, you will be losing their news.
انا وحدي لي عيونك
Just me alone, I have your eyes.
(حبيبي غمض عيونك)
(My love close your eyes)
(خيالي بيرسمك لوحة)
(My imagination will paint a painting for you)
(وطبيعي يضيّع علومه)
(And it will be normal to lose it way)
(اذا سلهمت بعيونك)
(When I am deeply looking to your eyes)
اذوب فساحر لحونك
I am melting in your magical tune.
ونبرتي المبحوحة
And your hoarseness tone.
واذا به اذن محرومة
Even if there are deprived ears.
فهي ما سمعت لحونك
They didn’t hear your tunes.