Translation of the song قلبي بيرتاحلك artist Assala Nasri
قلبي بيرتاحلك
My heart relaxing with you
قلبي بيرتاحلك مشتاق
My heart relaxing with you and missing you
نفسو يلمح لك
He want to be hinted at you
لو يوم دقت على بابو
If you one day you knocked the door on it
من غير ما اشرحلك
Without explaining to you
قلبي حيسمح لك
My heart will allow you
تبقالو له كل أحبابو
To be for him all the love
لكن بشروط لو تعشق موت
But with conditions, if your love dies
وتشيل عن قلبي عذابو
And took all the suffering out of my heart
أنت اللي هواك غيرني وغير حالي
You are the one who your loves altered me and changed my situation
إزاي معرفش
How? I don't know?
حبك والشوق سهرني يا شاغل بالي
Your love and longing in my mind keep me awake
عالشوق ما قدرش
On your longing, I can't patient
مقدرش أعيش من غيرك
I can't live without you
والقلب يسهر يناديلك
And my heart keeps me awake calling to you
مع انو ما بيسهرش
Even though he ( heart) does not stay up
ما بيسهرش
He does not stay up !
الليل بيعدي عليا يصحي عنيا
The night passes into my side, awaken my eyes
واشتاق في البعد
and whenever the distances increased my longing increased too
يا حبيبي
O my love
يا أحلى مافيه غرامك ليا
Your love is the wonderful thing that happened to me
بيفوق الحد
And It's an inexpressible feeling that I can't describe.
من يقدر ياخذ مني
Who can taking you from me
وحياتك لتطمني
Please reassure my heart
وتقولي احنا البعض
And tell me we will stay together,
احنا البعض
will stay together.