Translation of the song كان يهمني artist Assala Nasri
كان يهمني
I used to care about
ولا أنتَ غيمٍ في السما، ولاني الميّت ظما
You're not the cloud of sky, and I'm not dead of thirst
قلبك إذا ماضمّني غيره قلوب تضمّني
If your heart doesn't take me in, other hearts will take me in
بفارقك وأنا ابتسم ماشلت همّك طالما
I was smiling in your absence, I wasn't worried about you anymore
ماهمّك في يوم اللقا، ليه الفراق يهمّني!
You didn't care about our reunion, why would I care about separation
الكل منا له طريق و ليل ونجوم وسما
We all have a way, the night, the stars, and the sky
بكره تلومك دمعتك و أنا الحياه تلمني
Tomorrow your tears will blame you, and life will take me in
خلاص ما ابغى اصادفك ، ابعد عن حدود الحما
Enough, I don't want to see you, get away from the borders of Hama (a city in Syria)
إلى متى و أنا أمدحك و الناس فيك تذمّني
How long will I be praising you, and people will be blaming me for it
ولا أنتَ غيمٍ في السما، ولاني الميّت ظما
You're not the cloud of sky, and I'm not dead of thirst
قلبك إذا ماضمّني غيره قلوب تضمّني
If your heart doesn't take me in, other hearts will take me in
لي عمري و أيامي معك حزن من العمر ارتمى
Why are the days I spent with you so sad that they wasted my life
الليل نقصني عمر، خلي الصباح يطمني
The nights took away the days of my life, let the days comfort me
بودعك و اروي عروق الصبر ، من بعد الظما
Goodbye, and I will flood the arteries of patience after the thirst is gone
وإن جابك الطاري بقول: إنسان كان يهمني
And if anyone mentioned you, say you were someone I used to care about