Translation of the song لن تكون artist Assala Nasri


لن تكون

English translation

You Will Never Be

منت أول من خذلني ولن تكون

You are not the 1st one who deceived me and you'll never be

آخر اللي بيخذلوني لجل ذا،

The last one who deceive me for this

لا تصدق ما في بالك من ظنون

Don't trust what is in your mind of thoughts

إنك أكثر من تسبب لي بأذى!

You are the one who hurt me the most

التغابي فن من أذكى الفنون

To pretend stupidity is one of smartest arts

والتذاكي من الغبي مايحتذى

and pretending smartness will not be followed

والوفا بي طبع لو طبعك تخون

Fidelity is my temperament even if you tend to cheat

والعطر ما خَصّ أحدٍ بالشَذا

and the fragrance is never depriving people from smelling the aroma

من خلقت ولين تدركني المنون

Since I was born and until the death

أعطي دون حدود طبعي هكذا

My temperament is to give

ورغم ماواجهت من غدر وطعون

and despite of what I faced from cheating

ما جهرت ب ليت أو ليه وإذا!

I never said aloud why

منت أول من خذلني ولن تكون

You are not the 1st one who deceived me and you'll never be

آخر اللي بيخذلوني لجل ذا،

The last one who deceive me for this

لا تصدق ما في بالك من ظنون

Don't trust what is in your mind of thoughts

إنك أكثر من تسبب لي بأذى!

You are the one who hurt me the most

للعطا والجود يُجزى المحسنون

The well-doers are rewarded for their generosity and givings

مايؤثر لو تردى اللي خذا

It doesn't matter if you give in what is taken before

لو كان هو ف يوم مسكنه العيون

If he was staying before in my eyes

فالعيون أحيان يسكنها القذى

Don't forget that sometimes there's eyesore in the eyes

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