Translation of the song لي إله artist Assala Nasri


لي إله

English translation

I Have a God

كان كل ذنبي اني فضيقتي

All what I was guilty of, when in times of sadness,

كنت اشكي لشخص وانا ربي هنا

Is that I complained for someone while my God was next to me

يا كيف انا احزن وانا ربي معي

How can I be sad while God is with me?

وبرحمته كل حزن في صدري فنا

And with His mercy all sadness in my chest has disappeared

ويا كيف انا اخشى فالدنيا قوي

And how can I fear a strong person

والقوي اللي.. خلقنا كلنا

While the Almighty is the one who created us all?

يا رب انا راضي بما قدرت لي

Oh my Lord, I am satisfied about what you have given me

وكم قلت خيره رغم اني في عنا

And how many times I said Maybe this is what God intended for me although I'm troubled

ربي عليك حرمت اي ظلم بي

Oh Lord, you never were unjust with me

يا حيف شف حنا ظلمنا بنفسنا

But see how we are unjust with our own selves

يا رب اكفيني شر خلقك علي

Oh God, keep the Evil of mankind that you created away from me

واعوذ بك مني ومن نفسي وانا

And I ask you to protect me from arrogance

لي إله منّه همومي تدمرت

I have a God who because of Him, my miserable worries got destroyed

عزّني عن ناس علي تآمرت

He kept me away from people who conspired against me

كان يملى وجهي ملامح قهر

I used to have on my face looks of anger

من قوّها حتى المرايا تكسّرت

So strong that even mirrors got broken because of them

يا الهى ارأف بعبدك تراه

Oh my Lord, be merciful to the one who worships you because

اختلط عنده صديقه مع عداه

he got confused between who's his friend and who's his enemy

اسالك يا ربي عظيم الشان لي

I beseech you, oh my Lord, oh one who's great to me

وما ينحني راسي الا فالصلاة

And my head never kneels unless I am praying

كلنا نخطي ومع هذا نتوب

We all sin and repent

وما نشّرع اثمنا رغم العيوب

And we don't say that our sins are justified even though we're full of mistakes

بموّت ذنوبي في هذا الشهر

I will kill my sins in this month*

وعظم الله اجري فموت الذنوب

And may God reward me in the death of my sins

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