Translation of the song ما أسامح (Ma Asameh) artist Assala Nasri


ما أسامح (Ma Asameh)

English translation

I will not forgive you

إذا هان الغلا عندك. أبى ألقى الغدر يشفعلي

If my love doesn't concern you, I will let the treachery intercede to me.

أبى أغدر فيك بأحلامك حقيقة طُهري الواضح

I will treachery you in your dreams, honestly, my feeling is clear and pure.

ولكن أعرِف النية. غيابك حيل يشبهلي

But I know the intention of your absence its similar me.

قهرني غيابك ولكن طلع إحساسنا فاضح

I was annoyed by your absence, but our feelings were obvious.

إذا هان الغلا عندك. أبى ألقى الغدر يشفعلي

If my love doesn't concern you, I will let the treachery intercede to me.

أبى أغدر فيك بأحلامك حقيقة طُهري الواضح

I will treachery you in your dreams, honestly, my feeling is clear and pure.

ولكن أعرِف النية. غيابك حيل يشبهلي

But I know the intention of your absence its similar me.

قهرني غيابك ولكن طلع إحساسنا فاضح

I was annoyed by your absence, but our feelings were obvious.

يطيب النوم وإنت ظالم؟ كفيل الله يردها لي

You sleep well and you are unfair? May God will return it, back to you

واذكر وقتها إني. حلفت بالله ما أسامح

And I remembered at that time I swore I will not forgive you.

تدور الدنيا لو تقسى. بتلقى دعوتي هي هي

The world revolves, and if it gets tough. You will find my calling similar will not changes.

عسى الله يحرق أعصابك كثِر ما كنت لي جارِح

May God burn your nerves as you used to wound me

دامك شايف إن عمري. ضياع لعمرك المضوي

As long as you see that my life is nothing and loss of your shining age

دامك جامع الرغبات. وأنا اللّي فدنيتك طارِح

As long as you collector of desires and I was the one who made you suffered.

بساوي طيشك بطيبك. وأكسِر ضلعك الّلي بي

I will equalise your indiscretion with your kindness and I will break the parts that between us.

وأطلب ربي إن يخلِق. في قلبي كرهِك الجامِح

And I ask God to create for my heart a wild hatred towards you

ذبحت إحساسي الوافي. دفنته في دموعك لي

You slaughtered my full feeling, and you buried it with my tears.

بكَت عيوننا الإثنين. من اللّي فيننا ذابح ؟

Our eyes are cried for what is slaughtered from us.

إذا كان الخطا آسف. أبى أخطي لين تعذرلي

If this mistaking is an apology, I will do it again until you apologise to me

وإذا كان الأسف غلطة. أبى أرضى بحكيِك البارِح

And if this regret was wrong, I will stop, and I will talk to you like before.

إذا متجاهل وعارِف. اترك صدّنا يِروي

If you know that and you ignored it, Let us moved away as we can.

عروق البُعد يا حظّي. رِدلي عقلي السارِح

The distance that happened between us made my mind come back to me again.

وإذا ناوي بترجعلي. أو إنك مِخطي ترجعلي

And if you intend to come back to me again or by mistake, you think that's

تأكد ما فرقت عندي. حلفت بالله ما أسامح

Make sure it doesn't matter to me and I swear I will not forgive you.

يطيب النوم وإنت ظالم؟ كفيل الله يردها لي

You sleep well and you are unfair? May God will return it, back to you

واذكر وقتها إني. حلفت بالله ما أسامح

And I remembered at that time I swore I will not forgive you.

تدور الدنيا لو تقسى. بتلقى دعوتي هي هي

The world revolves, and if it gets tough. You will find my calling similar will not changes.

عسى الله يحرق أعصابك كثِر ما كنت لي جارِح

May God burn your nerves as you used to wound me

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