Translation of the song ماعرفت أنطق artist Assala Nasri


ماعرفت أنطق

English translation

I couldn't speak

ماعرفت أنطق و أنا اللي من سادات الحكي

I couldn't speak a word. I, who used to be a master talker

والكلام اللي في قلبي في بحر صدري غرق

Words in my heart drowned in the sea of my chest

ودي أحكي لو ثواني ودي همي يرتكي

I wish I could talk just for seconds. I wish my concerns would vanish

كل ما جيت أتكلم كل حرف بي شرق

Every time I try to speak, letters get swallowed

ماني بالعاده أبين دمعتي ولا أشتكي

I'm not used to show my tears, nor to complain

الله أقوي يا زماني ذاب عمري و احترق

O, Time. God is much stronger! My life has burnt and melted

ماهو من طبعي أساسا لا عتاب ولا بكي

It's not of my nature, neither to cry, nor to complain

حتي لو قلبي عصاني يا حبيبي و انسرق

Even if my heart disobeyed my will and let itself be stolen

ماني اللي لو تهاوت رحت أغير مسلكي

I'm not that one who change her path after falling

أعرف ان الله خلق و أعرف ان الله فرق

I know that it's God who created and who made us different

بس حبك ما قويته ومات بأسبابه حكي

But I couldn't overcome your love. That's the reason why words died

وطاح قلبي من مكانه يا حبيبي و صرت أرق

And my heart fell down, my love, and I became softer

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