Translation of the song هدوئك artist Assala Nasri



English translation

Your silence

هدوئك ماله في بالي تفاسير وأخاف اسألك

Your silence hasn't any explanation in my mind and I'm afraid to ask

وتجاوبني الجواب اللي قريته في تعابيرك

Because you will answer me the answer that i read in your expressions

ورا صمتك وداع في حضورك ماخذك مبعدك

Behind your silence there is seapration takes you and makes you far

وتستنى عساي اخطي وتبرر مافي تفكيرك

And you wait me maybe i will take a step forward then you will explain what's in your mind

أبد فارق ولا تتعب ضميرك حتى أنا بعذرك

Forever, separate and don't tire yourself, even me will excuse you

كفى شوف السعاده في عيونك كل تبريرك

Enough, I see the happiness in your eyes, this is the explanation

جيت انت فيوم احتجت لك وادري محال املك

You came in a day when i required you, and i know i will never be bored with you

وانا قبلك احسب الحب كذبه من وهم غيرك

And before you I was thinking that the love is a lie because of the illusion of others

ومثلك خالقه ربي ضيا للكون كيف احبسك

The person who is like you, my God created him to light the world, how could i jail you

بصدري وللبشر حق بنورك وبتباشيرك

In my chest and the humanity has the right in your glow and your good news

بتضوي ويا عساي بضيقتي لا من تعبت اذكرك

You glow, may in my hard times and when I'm tired I will remember you

واشوفك بالسماء نجم يشع وبقلبي تصويرك

And I see you in the sky a star glows and in my heart is your picture

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