Translation of the song Eski ve Kusurlu artist Second (Turkish)
Eski ve Kusurlu
Old and Flawed
Bu bir nefret bu bir kin sorunu
This a hate, this is a grudge problem
Yüzüme boşaldın küfürlü konulu
You blew it on my face, topics of curses
Ayrılık böyle zor olmamalı
Breakup shouldn't be hard like this
Kötülük aşkın ikinci torunu
Evil is the second descendent of love
Yepyeni bir yıkım ihtiyacım olan
A brand new destruction is what I need
Kusursuz, yalnız tozlu ve olağan
Flawless, alone, dust and plain
Açtıysan yeni bir sayfa bize
If you opened a new page to us
Yak defterini külleri savur denize
Burn your journal, spread the ashes to the sea
Gelmezdin, geldin aklıma
You wouldn't come but you came to my mind
O lafları almazdın, aldın ağzına
You wouldn't say those words but you said it
Ağzına ağzına
You said it, said it
Bize nerde sabahlar huzurlu
Where do we have comfortable mornings
Bir kazaydım eski ve kusurlu
I was a mistake, old and flawed
Bize nerde sabahlar huzurlu
Where do we have comfortable mornings
Bir kazaydım eski ve kusurlu
I was a mistake, old and flawed
Duvarlar var bu varlığımı
The walls have my being
Hapsetti bana, hapsetti bana
imprisoned to me, imprisoned to me
Yak mumdan ölümüm hediye sana
Burn the candle, my death is my gift to you
Battıkça batıyorum anlasana
I'm sinking, can't get out, acknowledge me
Gelmezdim, geldim aklına
You wouldn't come but you came to my mind
O lafları almazdım, aldım ağzıma
You wouldn't say those words but you said it
Ağzıma ağzıma
You said it, said it
Bize nerde sabahlar huzurlu
Where do we have comfortable mornings
Bir kazaydım eski ve kusurlu
I was a mistake, old and flawed
Bize nerde sabahlar huzurlu
Where do we have comfortable mornings
Bir kazaydım eski ve kusurlu
I was a mistake, old and flawed
Bize nerde sabahlar huzurlu
Where do we have comfortable mornings
Bir kazaydım eski ve kusurlu
I was a mistake, old and flawed
Bize nerde sabahlar huzurlu
Where do we have comfortable mornings
Bir kazaydım eski ve kusurlu
I was a mistake, old and flawed