Translation of the song Sonna Koto Ura no Mata Urabanashi desho? artist Megumi Nakajima
Sonna Koto Ura no Mata Urabanashi desho?
Sonna Koto Ura no Mata Urabanashi desho?
ある朝 突然 気づいたの
One morning, I suddenly realized
あなたが あなたが 気になるの
all I thought about was you and only you.
ドキドキ ソワソワ おかしいな
My heart beats fast and I can’t stand still… strange, isn’t it?
近くにいるだけで 倒れそう
I feel like I’ll lose my strength just by being close to you.
なのにあなたは 遠慮もせずに
And yet you keep coming closer
心の中に入ってくる (メロメロメロメロ☆ふにゃ□)
to my heart without a care in the world.
そんなにコシコシしちゃダメよ (コシコシコシ!)
Don’t rub so much on me! (Rub rub rub)
ハートのにおいがついちゃうわ (でもでもでも)
Because your heart will also rub off on me… (but but but)
ホントは「よしよし」してほしい (よしよしよし!)
I actually want you to tell me everything will be alright. (alright alright alright)
ねえ これが「恋」なのかな
Hey, is this “love”?
そんなこと 裏のまた裏話でしょ? (ハイ!)
But that’s not the whole story, right? (Hai!)
そんなこと 裏のまた裏話、かもね
But that may not the whole story…
毎日 あなたの ことばかり
Everyday, I only think of you.
何度も 何度も 思うけど
I think of you time and time again,
ドキドキ モジモジ してるだけ
and my heart is always beating so fast and I can’t stay still.
心が読めたって 意味無いわ
It won’t even do any good if you read my mind.
なのにあなたは ニヤけた顔で
But even so, you get a smirk on your face
and drift off onto your own erotic delusions!!
(grr grr grr grr hmp!)
そんなにコシコシしちゃダメよ (コシコシコシ!)
Don’t rub so much on me! (Rub rub rub)
ハートがこすれて消えちゃうわ (でもでもでも)
Because my heart will disappear from all the chafing… (but but but)
人生ゴシゴシ洗いたい (ゴシゴシゴシ!)
I want to scrub and wash away my past. (Scrub scrub scrub)
ねえ 生まれ変われるかな
Hey, can I be reborn anew?
そんなこと 裏のまた裏話でしょ? (ハイ!)
But that’s not the whole story, right? (Hai!)
そんなこと 裏のまた裏話、かもね
But that may not the whole story…
“Loving someone” or “being loved by someone”
わからない わからない 知りたくもない
are two things I don’t understand… have no intention of understanding.
今はあなたの 笑い声の近くで
I simply want to be near your smiling face
むかし夢見た ぽかぽかな場所 大切に育てたいよ
and carefully create a warm place I’ve always dreamed of.
わたしもコシコシしていいの? (コシコシコシ!)
Can I also rub off on you? (Rub rub rub)
恋人みたいにしていいの? (でもでもでも)
Can I treat you as a lover? (but but but)
そんなにマジマジ見ないでよ (マジマジマジ!)
Don’t look at me with such serious eyes! (serious serious serious!)
ねえ マジメに聞いてよね
But closely listen to me,
ねえ 一言だけ…
just this one thing…
“I’ve decided on you!”
そんなこと 裏のまた裏話でしょ? (ハイ!)
But that’s not the whole story, right? (Hai!)
そんなこと 裏のまた裏話、かもね
But that may not the whole story…