No te quiero mentir,
I do not want to lie to you.
no esperaba tu amor
I did not hope for your love
porque tú no sabias amar.
because you did not know how to love.
Y hoy que puedo sentir
And today I can feel
de tu piel el calor
the warmth of your skin.
por amor aprendí a llorar.
For love, I learned to cry.
Nada yo te pedí,
I asked you for nothing
pero tanto me das
but you give me so much
que mi mundo lo has hecho cambiar.
that my world has changed.
Yo que a nadie creí,
I who never believed anyone
hoy que tan cerca estás,
would be as close as you are today.
por amor aprendí a llorar.
For love, I learned to cry.
Aprendí a llorar, aprendí a llorar,
I learned to cry, I learned to cry—
pero no aprendí a olvidarte.
but I never learned to forget you.
aprendí a llorar, aprendí a llorar,
I learned to cry, I learned to cry—
pero nunca dejé de soñarte.
but I never stopped dreaming of you.
Ya te puedo besar
I can kiss you
con la misma emoción
with the same excitement
que por miedo solía guardar.
that I once did only out of fear.
Hoy te voy a entregar
Today I will deliver
más que mi corazón
more than my heart.
por amor dejaré de llorar.
For love, I will stop crying.
Aprendí a llorar, aprendí a llorar,
I learned to cry, I learned to cry—
pero no aprendí a olvidarte.
but I never learned to forget you.
aprendí a llorar, aprendí a llorar,
I learned to cry, I learned to cry—
pero nunca dejé de soñarte.
but I never stopped dreaming of you.
Ven, quiero tenerte junto a mi
Come, I want to have you close to me.
ven, llego el momento de vivir
Come, the time has come to live.
quiero ver tus ojos
I want to see your eyes,
tu figura, tu sonrisa
your body, your smile.
quiero verte entre mis brazos
I want to see you in my arms
y con mi amor calmar tu llanto.
and, with my love, to calm your tears.
Ven, quiero tenerte junto a mi
Come, I want to have you close to me.
ven, que hay un lugar que es para ti
Come, I have a place that is just for you.
eres como un sueño
You are like a dream
que el amor me dio en un beso
that love gave me in a kiss—
la semilla de un cariño
the beginning of a love
como no hay otro en este mundo.
like none other in this world.
Quiero estar siempre a tu lado
I want to be forever by your side
y descubrir cada mañana al despertar
and to discover every morning upon awakening
otra aventura por vivir
another adventure in order to live.
callar tu voz, tu libertad
quiet your voice, your freedom
por tu derecho has de vivir
to live the way you want to live.
vivir en nombre del amor.
Live in the name of love.