Canto de tristeza
I sing of sadness
porque lo nuestro terminó.
because we are done.
ya nunca volverás.
You will never come back.
Te olvidarás de mí,
You will forget me,
y hoy, muy triste
and today, very sad,
me quedo solo, sin ti.
I am left alone without you.
Que seas muy feliz,
Be very happy.
deseo, mi amor,
I hope, my love,
que nunca llores,
that you never cry—
que nunca sufras así.
that you never suffer this way.
Escucha esta canción
Listen to this song
que escribí para ti, mi amor,
that I wrote for you, my love.
con ésta, mi canción,
With this, my song,
he venido a pedirte perdón.
I have come to apologize.
Que nunca llores,
Never cry—
que nunca sufras así.
never suffer this way.
Que encuentres cariño y todo el amor
May you find affection and all of the love
que yo jamás te pude dar,
that I could never give you.
tú, que eres tan bueno,
You, who are so good,
mereces ternura y cariño.
deserve tenderness and affection.
Yo tuve la culpa de todo,
I was to blame for it all.
no supe tu amor aquilatar,
I did not realize the value of your love.
merezco tu olvido y tu ausencia,
I deserve your forgetting me and your absence.
ya nunca tendré más tu amor.
I will never have your love again.
Adiós, mi amor,
Goodbye, my love—
hoy con esta canción que escribí para ti,
today with this song that I wrote for you, my love,
he venido a pedirte que perdones
I have come to ask that you forgive,
por favor, mi error.
please, with love, my mistake.
Oye, sé que nunca tú querrás volver,
Hey, I know you never will want to come back,
y yo quiero por último decirte, amor,
and I finally want to tell you, love,
que yo te seguiré amando.
that I will go on loving you.
Adiós, mi amor,
Goodbye, my love—
hoy con esta canción que escribí para ti,
today with this song that I wrote for you, my love,
he venido a pedirte que perdones
I have come to ask that you forgive,
por favor, mi error.
please, with love, my mistake.
Oye, sé que nunca tú querrás volver,
Hey, I know you never will want to come back,
y yo quiero por último decirte, amor,
and I finally want to tell you, love,
que yo te seguiré amando.
that I will go on loving you.
Adiós, mi amor,
Goodbye, my love—
hoy con esta canción que escribí para ti,
today with this song that I wrote for you, my love,
he venido a pedirte que perdones
I have come to ask that you forgive,
por favor, mi error.
please, with love, my mistake.
Oye, sé que nunca tú querrás volver,
Hey, I know you never will want to come back,
y yo quiero por último decirte, amor,
and I finally want to tell you, love,
que yo te seguiré amando.
that I will go on loving you.
Adiós, mi amor,
Goodbye, my love—
hoy con esta canción que escribí para ti,
today with this song that I wrote for you, my love,
he venido a pedirte que perdones
I have come to ask that you forgive,
por favor, mi error.
please, with love, my mistake—my mistake.