Translation of the song Kara Barabasza artist Jacek Kaczmarski
Kara Barabasza
Punishment of Barabbas
W karczmie z widokiem na Golgote
In an inn overlooking Golgote
Mozesz sie dzisiaj napic z lotrem
You can drink with the lottery today
Leje sie wino krwawe, zlote,
Blood is poured, golden wine,
Stoly i pyski swieca mokre.
The tables and the mouths of a candle are wet.
Ten scisk to zysk dla gospodarza,
This tightness is a profit for the host,
Wiesc sie po miescie szerzy chyza,
Wandering around the city spreads chyza,
Ze mozna ujrzec tu zbrodniarza,
That a criminal can be seen here,
Co wlasnie wylgal sie od krzyza.
What has just emerged from the cross.
Zyjemy! Dobra nasza!
We live! Good ours!
Co z zycia chcesz, za zycia bierz!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Pijmy za Barabasza!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabasz pije tez!
Barabbas drinks too!
Pije, lecz mowy nie odzyskal,
He drinks but he has not regained his speech,
Jeszcze nie pojal, ze ocalal.
He has not yet realized that he is saved.
Dlon, ktora kubek wina sciska -
The hand that squeezes the cup of wine -
Jakby sciskala leb bretnala
As if she was squeezing Bretnal's head
Stopy pod stolem placze w tancu
The feet under the table are crying in dance
Szalenca, co o droge pyta:
Szalenc, who asks about the path:
Kazda z nich stopa jest - skazanca,
Each of them is a convict,
A wolna! Zywa! Nieprzebita!
And free! Alive! Impenetrable!
Zyjemy! Dobra nasza!
We live! Good ours!
Co z zycia chcesz, za zycia bierz!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Pijmy za Barabasza!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabasz pije tez!
Barabbas drinks too!
Pija mieszczanie i zebracy,
The townspeople and the crowds are drinking,
Zoldacy odstawili wlocznie
The Zoldats put aside by the lance
I pija tez po ciezkiej pracy,
And also drinks after hard work,
Bawi sie cale miasto hucznie.
The whole city is having fun.
Namiestnik dal dowody laski!
The viceroy gave evidence of a grace!
Bez laski - czymze bylby zywot?
Without a cane - what would life be?
Toasty, spiewy i oklaski
Toasts, chants and applause
- Jest na tym swiecie sprawiedliwosc!
- There is justice in this world!
Zyjemy! Dobra nasza!
We live! Good ours!
Co z zycia chcesz, za zycia bierz!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Pijmy za Barabasza!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabasz pije tez!
Barabbas drinks too!
Ryknal Barabasz smiechem wreszcie,
Barabbas roared with a laugh at last,
Rece szeroko rozkrzyzowal -
Rece spread wide -
I poszla nowa wiesc po miescie:
And a new message went around the city:
- Zyje! Zartuje, bestia zdrowa!
- Lives! Just kidding, the beast is healthy!
Slychac w palacu, co sie swieci,
In the palace you can hear what's shining
Prozno sie Pilat usnac stara,
It is in vain to Pilat to sleep old,
Bezladnie tancza mu w pamieci
He dances idly in his memory
Slowa - polityka, tlum i wiara...
Words - politics, crowd and faith ...
Zyjemy! Dobra nasza!
We live! Good ours!
Co z zycia chcesz, za zycia bierz!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Pijmy za Barabasza!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabasz pije tez!
Barabbas drinks too!
W karczmie z widokiem na Golgote
In an inn overlooking Golgote
Blask switu po skorupach skacze,
The light of dawn jumps over the shells,
Gospodarz przegnal precz holote
The landlord ran the holote away
I liczy zysk. Barabasz placze.
And he counts the profit. Barabbas is crying.
Zyjemy! Dobra nasza!
We live! Good ours!
Co z zycia chcesz, za zycia bierz!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Pijmy za Barabasza!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabasz czlowiek tez!
Barabbas, man too!