Translation of the song La viuda de Don Miguel artist Líadan (United States)


La viuda de Don Miguel

English translation

The Widow of Don Miguel

La viuda de Don Miguel, Raquel

The widow of Don Miguel, Raquel

Paseaba por la calle treinta dos

passed by thirty second street,

En sus brazos tiene un ramo de clavel

she has a bouquet of carnations

Y al camposanto llorando se fue.

and to the cemetery she goes weeping.

Don Miguel era amo de su tierra

Don Miguel was the owner of his land

Con la hermosa poblana se casó

he married a beautiful Poblana1

Era la hija de un tendero

she was the daughter of a shopkeeper,

Que por unos centavos se la vendió.

who sold her for a couple of coins.

Y era la más bella de sus hijas

And she was the most beautiful of his daughters

La misma imagen de su señora mujer

she was the spitting image of his beloved wife

Que cuando la creó el Señor

that when the Lord created her

De un puñal de tierra él la juntó.

he formed her from a handful of land.

Raquel, la morena poblana

Raquel, the dark skinned Poblana

Todo hombre tenía celos de Don Miguel

every man envied Don Miguel for her

Que tenía como esposa una virgen

his wife was like a Virgin

Y hasta milagros ella concede.

she even granted miracles.

El pueblo está dividido en dos

The town is divided in two

Unos le decían bruja, novia hechicera

some call her a witch, the bewitching bride

Unos le llamaban santa, hija de Dios

some call her a saint, daughter of God

Hija del Diablo y del Creador.

daughter of the Devil and of the Creator.

Don Miguel a su esposa nunca tocó

Don Miguel never touched his wife

Dice que lo hizo para proteger su honor

he said he did this to protect her honor,

Su querida Raquel esto lo oyó

his beloved Raquel heard this,

Y con brazos abiertos, su amor le entregó.

and with open arms, she gave him her love.

Por unos años fueron muy felices

For a couple of years they were happy,

De chismes el pueblo se resignó

the town gave up on their gossiping,

Pero vino y fue la maldita enfermedad

but a damn illness came and went

Y a Don Miguel la parca se lo llevó.

and Death took Don Miguel with it.

Ahora viuda e inconsolable

Now she's widowed and inconsolable,

Su llanto todo el pueblo escuchó

her cry can be heard throughout town,

Un llanto tan apenado

a cry so saddening,

En su tumba muerta quedó.

that she laid dead over his grave.

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