Translation of the song Cypher (Changbin solo) artist 3RACHA

English, Korean

Cypher (Changbin solo)

English translation


찢겨진 신발 밑창 축 늘어난 티

Soles of my shoes cracked, a stretched-out tee

또다시 까질 무릎 위 밴드 따윈 사치

A bandaid on my torn up knee would be a luxury

팝 필터 앞에 갈라지는 성대

My vocal chords tear in front of the pop filter

이 모든 내 상처 흉터 이게 내 타투

These are all my wounds, my scars, they're my tattoo

감추지 않아 다 보여줄 게

I won't cover them, I'll show all I've got

숨기지 않아 다 보여도 돼

I won't hide them, it's fine if they all show

내팽개치고 싶게 만드는

The pains and failures that make you

아픔 실패는 다 핑계

Want to give it all up are just an excuse

다 받아칠 게 더 망가질 게

I'll take it all, I'll ruin myself

더 망가질 때

When I ruin myself more

너 너 knock knock 똑똑하기만을 바라니 또

Knock knock, you you never want anything more than me being smart

넋 넋이 나가지 곳곳에서 똑같은 말 하지

I lose, lose it because no matter where you go they all say the same thing

또 톡 쏘는 말투 쏘아붙여

They strike with their stinging words

의사소통 아닌 호통에 무슨 말을 붙여

What can you even say faced with blind scolding instead of communication

순응 수긍 순종 아니면 반항으로 통하니

Everything's taken as just acceptance, agreement, submission, or defiance

통하지 않아 우리가 가진 의견 생각 따위는 가위질

But we won't take it, our opinions and thoughts are like cutting scissors

묵묵부답으론 답 없지

Silence does nothing,

이곳에서의 배움의 값어치는 내가 목표할 목표에선 답 없지

The value of our learning here is nothing in front of the goals I hold

인생을 더럽히지

It dirties our lives

꽉 쥔 주먹은 안 펴지

I won't unclench my fist

네가 말한 가르침이

If what you mean by Teaching

그만두라는 거라면 차라리 kill me, kill me bang

Is telling me to quit then just kill me, kill me bang

Wanna be the gang

Wanna be the gang

포기가 눈앞에 보이면 다 패

The moment you're faced with giving up your dream you've lost

보나 마나 패한단 편견을 깨

Break away from the prejudice that we're sure to fail

다 보여줘도 되는 내 패는 안꿀려 장땡

I can show all the cards in my hand, I won't lose either way

Imma look back, Imma look back

Imma look back, Imma look back,

Imma look back to the future in fact

Imma look back to the future in fact

과거의 꿈들은 현실이 되어가 지독했던 악몽에서 깨

My past dreams become reality and I awaken from my terrible nightmare

깨고서 눌렀지 새로 고침 바라는 것들을 다시 쓰지

I woke and hit refresh to write out the things I want again

불만족으로 날 채찍질해 그게 날 여기 또 세운 거지

I whip myself with dissatisfaction, and that's what brought me here

I do it for my team I do it for my fan

I do it for my team I do it for my fan

곧바로 다음다음 판 깨

I keep making it past each and every level

전국 팔도에 깔아 red carpet 흥이 나 있는 내 발걸음 앞에

I roll out a red carpet across Korea in front of my excited gait

내 방해물이 된다면 I just kill it, click clack chick chick bang

Anything that gets in my way I just kill it, click clack chick chick bang

스릴을 원하는 멍청한 놈들 살얼음판 위에 집합해

The idiots who want night more than thrills gather on thin ice

불만 표출 굳이 밖에 안 해

I don't bother voicing my complaints out and around

오직 불만족스러운 현재 내 앞에만 해

Just in front of myself and how I'm dissatisfied now

간만에 만나는 탐나는 seat

It's been a while since I found a seat I wanted to be on my own

어쩔 수 없이 보겠지 피

There won't be any way to avoid some blood

난 원래 더 난 원해 더 안 원하면 뭘 얻겠어

I have always wanted more, if i didn't how could I get anything?

더 많은 걸 원하는 걸 전부 다 가져야만 만족이 되겠어

I want more and more, I need it all to be satisfied

밤하늘의 별을 따지는 못하더라도 저곳에 가보긴 해봐야겠어

Even if I can't pick the stars from the sky I need to at least make it up there

위에 올라가 유성처럼 떨어져도 started from the bottom이라 생각해 밖에서

If I make it and fall like a shooting star I still know I started from the bottom

날 어떻게 보든지 내가 원하는 나를 만들지

No matter what others think of me, that's what makes me what I want to be

그래 넌 계속 무시하든지 그건 날 더 무섭게 만들 짓

Fine, keep ignoring me, that's exactly what will make me scarier for you

산 넘어 산 걍 넘어가

Cross mountain after mountain,

강 넘어 강 다 넘어가

River after river, just cross it all

산 넘어 산맥 강 넘어 바다

Cross the mountain to the range, the river to the sea,

다 넘어가 그 담을 봐

I make it past it all and see what's next

기대가 적음 실망도 없대

They say low expectations means you can't be disappointed

근데 난 모든 게 기대가 돼

But I have high expectations for everything

내 기대에 찬 슛 골일 게 뻔해

I shoot my expectations knowing I'll make a goal

아까운 슛 따윈 취급 안 해

I won't ever accept a miss

백 백전불태

I'll win 100 of 100 battles

100% 터져 포텐

100% exploding potential

패기와 객기로 후퇴 앞에 퉤

I spit in the face of retreat with my spirit and bravery

백 백전불태

I'll win 100 of 100 battles

열정을 불태워

I burn my passion

실패를 두려워하란 말은 못 배워

I never learned to fear failure

자신이 넘쳐 흘러내려

I'm so confident it's overflowing

확신에 차서 꿈을 set up

I'm certain I'll make it so I set up my dream

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