Translation of the song For You artist 3RACHA

English, Korean

For You

English translation

For You

목표를위해 달려왔던 과정을

The process of running towards your objective

결정적으로 결과로만 보여줘야 하는 일

Only to have your passion just shown in the results

예를들어 우리들의 10대를

For example our teen years

모두 바친 배움을 아낌없이 써도

Even if we pour out and use everything we’ve learned

아쉬움이 남는 일

There’s always a little regret

그 때를 위해 모두들이 고생 많아

Until that time we all have many hardships

결과에 대해서 실망은 할 수 있지만

We don’t know how much hope lies in the outcome but

절대로 너 자신을 미워하진 말아

Don’t ever hate yourself

지금 아마 쉴 시간이 없을 거야

Right now you probably don’t have any time to rest

다른 경험으로 알아

Everyone knows from experience

쉴 시간에 정신 마음 심란한게 당연 맞아

The time spent resting your mind and soul are distraught

좋은 결과 보기 위한 하나의 과정이야

In order to receive good results its part of the process

여태껏 많은 시험 겪었잖아

Up until now you’ve already suffered many tests

다름없어 인생이 달렸단 소리는 과장이야

There’s not much to it, running through life is part of the process

그러니 걱정말아 충분히 잘하고 있어

So don’t worry you are doing more than enough

우린 아직 어려 그게 마지막이겠어

We are still young, this can’t be the end

최근에 아픔 겪은 우리도 다시 힘냈어

We too have recently been through pain, we’ve all acknowledged

고생길 고행길 다 버텨온 너를 믿어 계속

Troubles bound to come, hold on, believe in yourself continuously

Yeah I know, we know

Yeah I know we know

너라면 잘 할 수 있다는걸 eh

If it’s you, you can do it

포기하지 말아 oh no

Don’t give up, oh no

여기까지 잘 버텨왔는데

You persevered up until now

뭐가 걱정이야 너를 믿어

What’s the worry, believe in yourself

Blessings wait for you

Blessings wait for you

For you

For you

많이 힘들었지 그동안

It’s been hard hasn’t it

졸린 잠을 참아가며 싸워

Short increments of sleep, fighting sleep

시간이 많이도 지났나봐

Time must have passed a lot

너의 표정에서 드러났어

It shows in your expression

알아 얼마나 힘들고 지겹게 또 펜을잡고 씨름해

Tiresome you wrestle with the pen you hold

어쩌면 너와 난 많이 닮은 것 같아

It seems you and I are very alike

힘들었지 알아

It hard right? I know

괜찮으니까 울어도 돼 나쁜거 아니잖아

It’s okay to cry, it’s not a bad thing

그동안 수고했어 많은 고민에 파묻히고

Well done for all these years being buried in worries

두 팔을 벌려 기지개 펴는 순간에 흘린 코피도

Times you stretched out your arms while getting a sudden nose bleed

네가 얼마나 힘들었을지 가늠이 가

Restless not even knowing yourself

또 알수 없지 잘 때 불안감도

You’re numb, filled with anxiety


4380 days

숫자들과의 싸움에서 지고 이기고만

Fighting with numbers winning and losing

밤새 너를 가뒀던 방 안을 뛰쳐나와

Run out of the room you’ve locked yourself in all night

진짜로 수고했다 이젠 꽃길만 걷자

You’ve done well, let’s only walk the flower path

Yeah I know, we know

Yeah I know we know

너라면 잘 할 수 있다는걸

If it’s you, you can do it

포기하지 말아 oh no

Don’t give up, oh no

여기까지 잘 버텨왔는데

You persevered up until now

뭐가 걱정이야 너를 믿어

What’s the worry, believe in yourself

Blessings wait for you

Blessings wait for you

For you

For you

결과가 너희 맘대로 안돼도 끝은 아니야

Yeah even if the result don’t go your way it’s not the end

다시 찾아오는 기회가 있으니 포기하지 마

There’s always another opportunity, don’t give up

힘이 됐으면 좋겠어

I wish this gives you strength

Listen to our song, we wanna support you

Listen to our song, we wanna support you

너라면 다 할수있어

It’s you, you can do anything

So don’t stop

So don’t stop

It ain’t over

It ain’t over

It ain’t over

It ain’t over

It ain’t over

It ain’t over

뭐가 걱정이야 너를 믿어

What’s the worry, believe in yourself

Blessings wait for you

Blessings wait for you

For you

For you

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