Translation of the song Matryoshka artist 3RACHA

English, Korean


English translation


너 너 너

You you you

내가 잘 안 돼길 바라니

do you wish me to not do well?

대답은 no 안 돼

the answer is no,I can't

난 아직 이뤄야할 게 더욱 많아 인마

I still have a lot more to achieve dude

내 안에 더 안에 안에 있는 네 자신은 계속 가서 새로운 도전을 보여

if you take a look inside me and keep going deeper,you'll find new challenges within

Woo 새로운 나 새로운 다신감

woo the new me with new confidence

새로운 future's in my mind yo

for new future's in my mind yo

Umm Adiós

Umm goodbye

2015년쯤에 렙 쓰는 나

to the me who was writing rap around 2005

2 years later 성장했지

2 years later I've improved of course

보는 사감마다 쏟아지는 박수갈채가 set up

everyone who watches me always set up pouring applause

가끔 보이는 포기는 날 까도 날 까고 일어나 껍질을 부숴

sometimes a thought of giving up haunts me and shed me down,I'll get up and break the shell

Ey, J.One

Ey, J.One

내가 너를 분질러놔도

even when I break you down

넌 계속 왜 안 지고 더 세져 yah?

how come you're never defeated but always get stronger yah?

Woo 의문 들겠지 들어봐 앨범

Woo you must wonder about it,then listen to our album

스물 전에 백퍼 난 최고 될 거야

even before going 20,a 100% I'll be the best

응원해줘 my neighbors

so please support me my neighbors

Matryoshka version인 J.One

Matryoshka 1 version J.One

까도 까도 잘 안 되긴 커녕

shedding down,but it's useless

더 세져 센 척 안 해 for real

I'm gonna be stronger,I'm not pretending for real

까줘 짜줘 작아져도 매워

even if you cut me into smaller pieces,I'm spicy

살아지지 않고 더 세져

I won't disappear,I'll be stronger

날 알고 싶다면 다 열어 고막

If you want to know me, open up your eardrums

좀 더 깊이 듣고 싶다면 더 들어봐

if you want to hear deeper about me, then listen more

깎아내려고 까봤자 Matryoshka

even if you shed me down, there's no point Matryoshka

(BahBahBah Booyah)

(BahBahBah Booyah)

Ey 사라지지 않아

Ey I won't disappear

날 알고 싶다면 다 열어 고막

If you want to know me, open up your eardrums

좀 더 깊이 듣고 싶다면 더 들어봐

if you want to hear deeper about me, then listen more

깎아내려고 까봤자 Matryoshka

even if you shed me down, there's no point Matryoshka

접어두길 바래 사라지지 않아

you better give up cause I won't disappear

Yah, Devushka vushka aah

Yah, girl aah

나애 대한 찾아봐봐 (hah)

go find out about me (hah)

하나씩 세로운 정보를 발견해 끝은 없을 거야 야 야 야

you'll find new info one by one but there will be no end hey hey

Babushka bushka doll처럼 흥미로운 내 삶은 (hah)

grandmother, like a doll life is exciting (hah)

조금 다를 거야 날 까도 까도 난 영원할 거야 야 야 야

it'll be a little different,even if you shed me down I'm everlasting hey hey



야 미안하다 내가 첫번째 순서라서 (순서라서)

hey I'm sorry because it's me at the forefront row (forefront row)

내가 기킬거야 너가 뭐래도 나는 버텨 (나는 버텨)

I'll protect them, whatever you say I'll hold on (I'll hold on)

근데 까봐도 걱정 안 해 내 팅이라서 (팀이라서)

but even if you shed us away I don't worry because it's my team (because it's my team)

딱히 상관없어 'cause everyone knows I'm the Boss

it really doesn't matter to me 'cause everyone knows I'm the Boss

I'ma protect all my ninjas

I'ma protect all my ninjas

Do it for the squad, do it for the team, ah

Do it for the squad, do it for the team, ah

Matryoshka 까는 것처럼 내 음악워 하나 하나씩 ah

like shedding down a Matryoshka my music is always new one after another ah

좀만 더 지켜봐줘 음악으로 마음을 열어줄 테니까

just watch over me a little more cause I'll open your heart with my music

볼수록 작아져도 걱정하지 마 디테일은 풍부하다

don't worry if appear smaller as you see me, because the details are still overflowing

날 알고 싶다면 다 열어 고막

If you want to know me, open up your eardrums

좀 더 깊이 듣고 싶다면 더 들어봐

if you want to hear deeper about me, then listen more

깎아내려고 까봤자 Matryoshka

even if you shed me down, there's no point Matryoshka

접어두길 바래 사라지지 않아 yo

you better give up cause I won't disappear

날 알고 싶다면 다 열어 고막

If you want to know me, open up your eardrums

좀 더 깊이 듣고 싶다면 더 들어봐

if you want to hear deeper about me, then listen more

깎아내려고 까봤자 Matryoshka

even if you shed me down, there's no point Matryoshka

(BahBahBah Booyah)

(BahBahBah Booyah)

Ey 사라지지 않아

Ey I won't disappear

Umm Ey

Umm Ey

Matryoshka 내 속이 궁금하다니까

Matryoshka seems like you're curious what's inside me

까보던지 알아서 해

then shed me away, do whatever you want

내가 뭔데 라는 말은 집어치울 테니까 (uh)

I won't even bother by saying 'who do you think you are? uh

이건 명심하길 단순히 궁금한 게 아닌

keep this in mind if it isn't just a simple curiosity of yours

부정적인 의미로 까려는 거면 접어

but you want to shed me away with your negative intentions, then just give up

빛을 향해 접어드는 이 무렵에

it's time to turn the lights towards me

나에 대한 괜한 호기심의 결과는 널라

your idle curiosity about me will shock you up

어 버 버 버 버벅대네

leaving you to over-stutter

첨봉 첨봉 호우적대던 때는 지난

splash,splash those struggling drowsy days already have passed

지금 수면 위의 여유 있는 배들과의 배틀

now I'm in a battle with those spare boats on the ocean

승리 아닌 패배에도 내 반응은 젠틀 하게

whether it's my victory or not my reaction is gentle

학교 학에회 때 손보였던 어리속한 랩들마저

even when I presented those naive raps during school art festival

당당했어 뭐가 꿀리겠어

I did it confidently what's there to be shy for?

꿈을 향한 자신은 언제나 넘쳐

myself who always was running towards my dream which is filled with spirits

더해 확신이 들 때까지 피땀 흘리겠어

I'll practise harder until it's become certain while shedding bloody sweats

깎아내려 발악해봤자

you can try to shed me away or break me down

상관 않고 늘어가는 나의 실력과

I won't care cause I'm busy improving my skills

비레하게 늘어가며 쌓여가는 작업물들만 남아

while it keeps proportionally improved,there are always piles of work remain

헛수거야 시기질툰 참아

your jealousy is just a waste of time, hold it in

술술 풀려 목표물은 풍연인가봐

seems like now is a good season to harvest fruits of goals

내가 맺은 알찬열매 들음 그 속이 꽉 차

the good fruits I've planted are completely full inside

매번 손해보단 이득을 봐

look at the benefits rather than the damage every time

수확을 멈추지 않아 yo

I won't stop harvesting yo

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