Translation of the song Placebo artist 3RACHA
I’m doing good, I’m doing fine
I’m doing good, I’m doing fine
잘 하고있어 I’m doing alright
I'm doing well I’m doing alright
믿어 날 believe it or not
trust me believe it or not
잘 하고 있어 계속 앞으로만 가 (go go)
I'm doing well I'll keep pushing forward (go go)
하지만 가끔 걱정해
but I worry sometimes
혹시라도 내가 노력하고 있는게 진실이 아니라면
what if everything I've done so far isn't real?
어떤 기분일까
how does it feel?
나는 믿지 않아 이게 지금까지 나는게 만약에 placebo라도
I won't believe it even if what I've done so far is just a placebo
Placebo 효과
placebo effect
사실 아무 효능 없는 말 하나에 속아
In fact I know it has no effect yet I let myself get deceived
자신 없는 동안 꾸준히 또 속아
while I'm not confident they keep deceiving me
주는 척 들이켜 그럼 찾아와 영감이 말야
they pretend to give me medication and then tell me I'll get inspired
환각 속에 살아가다 보면
living in a hallucination
어느새 그곳이 현실이 되길 말했냐
the world I live in will become a reality
나도 알아 어렵고 무서워도
I know it's difficult and frustrating
나 모른채 믿어볼거야 그게 거짓말일지라도 괜찮아
I don't know, even if this drug is a fake it's okay
Cause later when I become addicted to life
Cause later when I become addicted to life
아플 때 먹었던 약은 사실 효과 없지만
even though the medicine I take when I'm sick has no effect
날 위로해 난 날아가
it still comforts me in another way and makes me want to fly
저 위로 해를 향해서 yeah
going up towards the sun yeah
It’s all up in my mind
It’s all up in my mind
날 속여줘 this time
please deceive me this time
날 속여줘 this time
Please deceive me this time
날 속여줘
Please deceive me
나도 그래
It will come to me too
곧 다른 일들이 눈 앞에 수두룩해
soon another thing will surprisingly come in front of my eyes
불안감이 밀려와 답답해
I feel uneasy and frustrated
잡 생각이 많아
I have a lot of thoughts
독처럼 온몸의 마디마다 퍼지는 피로와 짜증에 예민할 때
it spreads through all of my cells like poison,when I become sensitive to exasperation
해독제는 따로 없다 해도
even without an antidote
긍정적인 생각으로 살자라는 내 좌우명이
let's live with positive thoughts is my motto
작지않은 큰일이라해도 좌지우지하며 좌우하더라고
even if it takes control of my always expanding big day I like it
맞아 꿈도 막연한 건 없어 마음 먹기 나름
right there's nothing vague about dreams depending on your mind
Placebo 걸어 시동 꿈을 시도
Placebo starting to dream
한 계단 한 계단씩 올라가
going up step by step
미동 없는 꿈을 향한 믿음
trust in my dream
남들 다 부러워하는 내 작업물의 양은
the little amount of my flops that others envy
할 수 있단 기대와 믿음이 있었기에 가능
it was possible because of their faith and expectations
처음엔 나도 몰랐어
at first I didn't know
열정과 노력이면 다 된다는 약은 흘려 듣고
that if I'm passionate and hardworking anything is possible,it was only a few months ago that I took this medication
몇 달 전까지만 해도 흘러가는대로 시간보냈거든
I spend my time just letting it flow
먹고 난 후 빨라지는 꿈을 향한 나의 걸음
my steps towards my dream become faster after taking that medicine
Cause later when I become addicted to life
Cause later when I become addicted to life
아플 때 먹었던 약은 사실 효과 없지만
even though the medicine I take when I'm sick has no effect
날 위로해 난 날아가
it still comforts me in another way and makes me want to fly
저 위로 해를 향해서 yeah
going up towards the sun yeah
It’s all up in my mind
It’s all up in my mind
날 속여줘 this time
please deceive me this time
날 속여줘 this time
Please deceive me this time
날 속여줘 this time
Please deceive me this time
Cause later when I
Cause later when I
Addicted to life
Addicted to life
Cause later when I become addicted to life
Cause later when I become addicted to life
아플 때 먹었던 약은 사실 효과 없지만
even though the medicine I take when I'm sick has no effect
날 위로해 난 날아가
it still comforts me in another way and makes me want to fly
저 위로 해를 향해서 yeah
going up towards the sun yeah
It’s all up in my mind
It’s all up in my mind
날 속여줘 this time
please deceive me this time
날 속여줘 this time
Please deceive me this time
날 속여줘 this
Please deceive me this time