Translation of the song WOW artist 3RACHA
형 형 형 저기봐 저기봐 진짜 예뻐
Bro,bro bro look there,she's so pretty
와 나 진짜 저런 여자 사귀고 싶다 (어디봐 어디?)
wow I really want to date that woman (where do I look? where?)
저기 저기 저기 (어디?)
there there there (where?)
회색옷 회색옷 회색옷 (가서 보고 올게 보고 올게)
with the grey clothes,grey clothes ( I will go to take a look)
저기요 누나 혹시 남자친구 있어요
Sorry miss, but do you have a boyfriend?
미안 아직 죄송해요 너무 돌직구죠
sorry, I'm really sorry that must have been too direct
저기 뒤에서 누나 예쁘다고 하는 형들이
behind me those bros called you pretty
아니 나 그 긴장해서 횡설수설 중
no,I'm just nervous so I'm rambling on
난 아직 열여덟의 고딩
I'm still an 18 years old high school kid
솔직히 누날 넘보는 것 자체가 고집
honestly the last thing you want is stubbornness
부리는 걸수도 있지만
although I might be making trouble
이걸 고민하고 또 하고 또 하고 또 해보니
I've been thinking and thinking and thinking about this
형들이 놀리려는 거지
my bros are trying to make fun of me
상상도 잠시 누나에게 시선 집중하게 돼
I stop for a moment and focus on her gaze
아우라 그 자체가 빛나지
the whole aura is just shining
아직 미숙하게 내 마음을 전하는 게 ?? 집중
I'll focus on delivering my inexperienced heart
속절없이 피땀이 흐르고 약간 소름이 돋았어
my sweat keeps flowing and I'm getting goosebumps
중2병이 온 듯 나 오글거린 멘트가
a comment that makes me in 8th grade syndrome
아마 그 여잔 봤을 거야 이건 최고의 자신감
she must've seen it, it was my best confidence
이건 장난이 아니지
this isn't a joke
기본의 ?? 시간을 가리키고 너의 반응은 아마 미약
time shows that your reaction is probably my love potion
Wow (woo, oh man)
Wow (woo, oh man)
She’s hot (hot, hot)
She’s hot (hot, hot)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
She’s hot (hot, hot, she’s fine)
She’s hot (hot, hot, she’s fine)
머리부터 발끝까지 하나하나 빠짐없이
the you whose head to toe
눈을 뗄 수가 없는 이유
which I can't take my eyes off
완벽한 니 곡선은 주위에
your perfect curves are the best of the best
남자들은 teasing you
guys are already teasing you
헛웃음만 나와
With a smirk
들어주자니 잠만 밀려와
I suddenly enter
벌써부터 김 빠지게 hit on 미안미안
I'm sorry you're already hit on and deflated
쟤는 아직 병아리야 삐약삐약 (삐약)
he's still a young chick
머저리들 거머리들 같이 네게 들러붙는 애들
kids who are jerks and leeches stick to you
모두 다 머리채 좀 저 멀리 치워놔 내게 등져버린대도
I put away others' long hair but your betray
너의 그런 태도와 뒤태에 더 반해버린 채 내 마음을 비워 나는
your attitude makes me empty my heart today to fall in love with you
넌 오늘 피오나해 나는 슈렉 미우나 고우나 유치한 swag (swag)
you can be my Fiona today, I'll be your Shrek,ugly immature swag (swag)
감성의 부비 트랩 어린애인 척을 해 너의 모성애를 자극해
I'll play the role of an emotional booby trap kid to simulate your motherly love
과거의 게임 폐인 성질을 내게 대입해
apply my old loser game traits on me
밤잠을 설치겠지 필요없는 카페인
don't need caffeine to stay up
단 둘이 걷는 이 거리는 레드카펫 위
the street only both of us walk on becomes a red carpet
부러울 게 하나 없지
there's nothing to be envious about
Wow (woo, oh man)
Wow (woo, oh man)
She’s hot (hot, hot)
She’s hot (hot, hot)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
She’s hot (hot, hot, she’s fine)
She’s hot (hot, hot, she’s fine)
머리부터 발끝까지 하나하나 빠짐없이
the you whose head to toe
눈을 뗄 수가 없는 이유
which I can't take my eyes off
완벽한 니 곡선은 주위에
your perfect curves are the best of the best
남자들은 teasing you
guys are already teasing you
음 여긴 동물원이야 다들 자기 본능에 못 참으니까 (삐약)
Hm this is the zoo, where everyone can't resist their insticts
병아리보다 못난 양아치에서 살려줄게 call me zoo keeper
I'll save you from the gangsters more than the chicks, you can call me zoo keeper
63빌딩보다 높은 나의 위치
my position is higher than the 63 building
항상 얻어먹는 J.One SPEARB
J.One SPEARB always freeloading
뭐 그 정도쯤이야 언제나 괜찮아
hm but that's okay
Cause I’m a nice guy who just has a lot of money
Cause I’m a nice guy who just has a lot of money
Let me take you to a restaurant
Let me take you to a restaurant
고급 식당 할렐루야 man in the terrace
high class restaurant hallelujah, man in the terrace
오늘 밤은 풀코스를 보여줄게
I'll show you a full course tonight
A la carte도 원한다면 말해
a la carte too tell me if you want it
Please let me open that door for ya
Please let me open that door for ya
숙녀가 먼저 들어가야 앞이 잘 보여
a lady needs to enter first to have a good look
니 기본 자세가 올바르지
having the correct basic posture
Iron man in the streets but I’m better than Tony
Iron man in the streets but I’m better than Tony
Wow (woo, oh man)
Wow (woo, oh man)
She’s hot (hot, hot)
She’s hot (hot, hot)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
She’s hot (hot, hot, she’s fine)
She’s hot (hot, hot, she’s fine)
머리부터 발끝까지 하나하나 빠짐없이
the you whose head to toe
눈을 뗄 수가 없는 이유
which I can't take my eyes off
완벽한 니 곡선은 주위에
your perfect curves are the best of the best
남자들은 teasing you
guys are already teasing you