Translation of the song Bela lađa artist Đorđe Balašević
Bela lađa
A White Boat
U aprilu Sombor varoš zazeleni,
In April, the town of Sombor 1 becomes green,
Pa šetaju gospojice, blago meni.
Then ladies are walking, good for me
Isprse se brezobrazno,
They throw out their chests saucy,
Pa mi glavom klimnu mazno,
And then they nod to me softly,
A mene čeka bela lađa.
But a white boat is waiting for me.
A kad odem ne vraćam se do jeseni.
And when I leave, I don't come back until autumn.
Udaće se mnoge dotle, blago meni.
Many of them will marry until then, good for me.
Dobar veče, kapetane,
Good evening, Captain,
Laku noć vam želim dame,
I wish you a good night, ladies,
Na mene čeka bela lađa.
A white boat is waiting for me.
Moram da idem sad, bo me, ni mi je lako,
I have to go now, it's really not easy for me,
Al' bolje tako, da ja krenem polako.
But I'd better go slowly.
Moram da idem sad jer ću baciti sidro
I have to go now because I'm going to drop anchor
Pa zbogom Vidro, ostaću tu.
So goodbye, Otter 2, I'll stay there.
Od Zemuna do Pasove voda peni,
From Zemun 3 to Pasova the water foams,
A u Pešti promenada, blago meni.
And in Pest 4 promenade, good for me.
Brinuti sam, kerem sepe,
I'm taken 5, please 6,
Mađarice moje lepe,
My beautiful Hungarian girls,
A mene čeka bela lađa.
But a white boat is waiting for me.
Moram da idem sad, bo me, ni mi je lako,
I have to go now, it's really not easy for me,
Al' bolje tako, da ja krenem polako.
But I'd better go slowly.
Moram da idem sad jer ću baciti sidro
I have to go now because I'm going to drop anchor
Pa zbogom Vidro, ostaću tu.
So goodbye, Otter, I'll stay there.
U aprilu sav se Sombor zašareni
In April, the whole of Sombor 7 is colorful
Od šešira raznoraznih, blago meni,
Because of a variety of hats, good for me
I frajlica što ih nose, nasmešene, zlatokose,
And the girls that wear them, smiling and golden-haired,
A mene čeka bela lađa.
But a white boat is waiting for me.
Moram da idem sad, bo me, ni mi je lako,
I have to go now, it's really not easy for me,
Al' bolje tako, da ja krenem polako.
But I'd better go slowly.
Moram da idem sad jer ću baciti sidro
I have to go now because I'm going to drop anchor
Pa zbogom Vidro, ostaću tu.
So goodbye, Otter, I'll stay there.