Translation of the song Branislava (full) artist Đorđe Balašević
Branislava (full)
Branislava (Dusk)
U prvi suton jesen je napala na kej
At the dusk, autumn attacked the quay
Park se šepurio u žutom
Park swagged in yellow
k'o stari ušminkani gej
Like an old dressed up gay
Na uglu Glavne i Dunavske
In the corner of the Main and Danube Street
u moj je prostor kročila
She walked right into my space
Titrava, poput sveće slavske...
Vibrant, like a candle during jubilee...
senka sa njenim očima
Shadow with her eyes
Bila je cvetak... No, to je jučerašnja vest
She was a bloom... No, that's old news
Svi smo mi Gospodari Sveta tu negde s dvadeset i šest
We're all Masters of the World when we're twenty six
Naš grad je bio njen lični atelje
Our city was her personal atelier
Veliki film se snimao
Great movie was in making
Bila je jedna od tri želje koje sam ikad imao
She was one of the only three wishes I ever had
Za druge je smišljala slatke kolekcije...
She was coming up with sweet designs for others...
Više ukrase... u bojama nežnim i toplim
More like decorations... In colors soft and warm
Za sebe žaketiće od nekih grubih štofova
For herself cutaways of rough materials
Nisu vredele lekcije...
Lectures were worthless...
Navukla se... na pilule i Dženis Džoplin
She got herself onto pills and Janis Joplin
I prve paketiće od onih Propalih Grofova
And first packets from those Fallen Earls
A priču je moju slušala skeptično
And she listened to my story skeptically
Za nju je, naravno, to bilo totalno falš i patetično
For her, of course, that was totally off-key and pathetic
Banalne strasti...
Basic instincts...
Ljubav, ljubomora, čežnja i bol i tom slično
Love, jealousy, yearning and ache and stuff like that
Užas... Patetično
Horror... Pathetic
U prvi suton odjednom je zahladilo
At the dusk, it suddenly got cold
Davno sam načuo da je na žutom...
I heard long time ago she was taking drugs...
Nije me iznenadilo
I wasn't surprised
Do gala revije smo, eto, napokon stigli...
At last, the big show was due...
Dame i gospodo, ofucana kolekcija za strašila
Ladies and gentleman, shabby collection for scarecrows
Na koncu priča vodi igli...
Story ends with the needle...
E, lutko... Super si model sašila
Darling, that is a great model you've made
Ja sam pred život istupio naježen... I razdrljen
But I stood before life with a shiver... Disheveled
K'o pred streljački vod u zoru
Like before the firing squad at the dawn
I strah me... Nepromenjen... Dok metak putuje
And I'm afraid... Unchanged... While bullet travels
Al' sa sudbom se natežem... Onako zagrljen
But I fight with my destiny... Hugged
K'o dve pijane lude na šoru
Like two fools on the road
Znam, kaljavo ordenje na mom kaputu je...
I know, bloody medals are on my coat...
Pričaj mi malo o patetici
Tell me something about pathetics
Tvoji su sveci za mene tek ubogi mali heretici?
For me, all your saint are poor little heretics...
Pričaj mi malo... Ili nemoj?
Tell me something... Or don't?