Translation of the song Lunjo - live artist Đorđe Balašević
Lunjo - live
Moj stari kofer zalud ko koker grebe na vrata
My old suitcase in vain as a cocker scratches at the door
Dve ti se zvezde u oku gnezde… Dremež te hvata
Two stars nest in your eye… A nap catches you
I toplo je tu… Ispod ovog krova
And it's warm there... Under this roof
Na bezbednom tlu… U tvrđavi snova
On safe ground… In the fortress of dreams
Pa, sretna ti nova
Well, happy New Year to you
Zlobnice graknu, al da te taknu ne smeju nikad
The villains croak, but they must never touch you
Baš duplikati prvi će znati ko je unikat
Duplicates will be the first to know who is unique one
Kad nasrne svet… Ti obraz okreni
When the world invades… Turn your cheek
Bog dotakne cvet što nikne u seni
God touches the flower that sprouts in the shadows
Sretna nova i meni
Happy New Year to me too
Ti uvek znaš najbolji način, s tobom lako branim naš tron
You always know the best way, I easily defend our throne with you
Ti si ta nit, taj retki začin koji daje poseban ton
You are that thread, that rare spice that gives a special taste
Moj si mali čarobnjak… Koji donosi spas
You are my little wizard… Who brings salvation
A svi ti pajaci na pokretnoj traci nek žure bez nas
And let all those clowns on the conveyor belt hurry without us
Kogod me traži, ti ladno slazi kako sam mrtav
Whoever's looking for me, lie that I am dead
I, budi zlatna, pa navi sat na sredu… četvrtak?
Be a lamb, and wind the clock on Wednesday… Thursday?
A napolju stud… Gospodari zima
And outside the cold… Winter rules
I veje ko lud… Al ovde sve štima
And it snows like crazy… But everything is fine here
Otkad kad tebe imam
Ever since I have you
Ti uvek znaš najbolji način, s tobom lako branim naš tron
You always know the best way, I easily defend our throne with you
Ti si ta nit, taj retki začin koji daje poseban ton
You are that thread, that rare spice that gives a special taste
Moj si mali čarobnjak… Koji donosi spas
You are my little wizard… Who brings salvation
A svi ti pajaci na pokretnoj traci nek žure bez nas
And let all those clowns on the conveyor belt hurry without us
Ti uvek znaš posebne reči
You always know special words
Ti ćutiš mnogo tiše od svih
Your silence is quieter than everyone else's
Ti imaš smeh koji me leči
You have a laugh that heals me
Ti i od psovke načiniš stih
You make a verse even out of swearing