Translation of the song Mani me se, lepa Nasto artist Đorđe Balašević


Mani me se, lepa Nasto

English translation

Leave Me Alone, Pretty Nastya

Proganja me stalno Nastasja Kinski,

I'm being pursued by Nastassja Kinski

svaki dan mi dolazi u san.

Every day she comes into my dreams

Priča da me voli, baš ono, odistinski,

She tells me that she loves me, like really sincerely

i vene zbog mene.

And that she's languishing without me

Brine me pomalo ta lepa omladinka.

I'm slightly worried about this beautiful young woman

Ne mogu da odobrim njen stav.

I cannot approve of her stance

Nosi moju sliku k'o zaljubljena klinka,

She keeps my picture like some infatuated teenager

moju sliku u novčaniku.

My picture, in her wallet

Sve je to lepo i sve mi to laska,

It's all very nice and very flattering

al' mojoj faci ne pristaje maska.

But my face is not made for disguises

Ja na te stvari gledam starinski -

My views about those things are old-fashioned

mani me, drugarice Kinski!

Leave me alone, comrade Kinski

Nisi ti kriva, stvar ne primaj lično,

It's not your fault, don't take it personally

to su principi il' tu nešto slično.

It's about principles or something like that

Ja sam za drugu devojku rast'o,

I was born for another woman

mani se mene lepa Nasto.

Leave me alone, pretty Nastya

Ne mogu da shvatim šta nalazi na meni

I cannot understand what she sees on me

osim što sam visok, lep i plav?

Except that I'm tall, handsome and blond1

Čim joj nešto kažem, a ona porumeni

As soon as I open my mouth, her face turns red

pa skokne da me cmokne.

And she rushes to smooch me

Njen pogled ruši i obara s nogu

Her gaze sweeps men off their feet

al' ja se branim koliko već mogu.

But I'm resisting as best I can

Snažno me grli, sve grčko-rimski,

She hugs me strongly, all Greco-Roman2

htela bi da me ljubi filmski.

She wants to kiss me movie-style

Polako snajka, obustavi napad,

Slow down lassie, hold your fire

vrati se lepo na svoj truli zapad!

Just go back to your rotten West3

U Pariz - Teksas i među ljude-mačke,

To Paris, Texas and among Cat People

ja nigde ne mrdam iz Bačke!

I'm not going anywhere from Bačka4.

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