Translation of the song Marina artist Đorđe Balašević



English translation


Marina, tek uz pomoć starih slika

Marina, only with the help of old pictures

još mogu da se setim tvoga lika

I can still remember your face

i bude se tad neki nemiri zli

And then some evil restlessness awakes

i drugovima pričam da si moja bila ti

And I tell all my friends that you were once mine

sav pijan od te laži

All drunk on that lie

k'o od dobrog rumenog vina

Like on good red wine

Marina, ti si bila moja plima

Marina, you were my tide

Marina, svetlo, tama, leto, zima

Marina, my light, my darkness, my summer, my winter

i verujem još, u tome je spas

And still I believe, that's my escape

i često tako smišljam

And often I imagine

neki život za nas

Some kind of life for us

a tada, javi mi se stvarnost

And then, the reality calls

setna k'o violina

Sorrowful like a violin

Marina, ja još iste pesme pevam

Marina, I still sing the same songs

Marina, ja još iste snove snevam

Marina, I still dream the same dreams

iz ničega smeh još stvoriti znam

I can still create laughter out of nothing

na kraju svake pesme

But by the end of every song

ipak ostanem sam

I'm left all alone

i uvek čujem kako šumi

And I always hear the sound

more iz daljina

Of the sea from afar

Marina, da l' ćemo se ikad sresti

Marina, will we ever meet again

ja ne znam kuda će nas to odvesti

I don't know where it will all lead us

i dobro je to što ne znamo kraj

And it's good that we don't know the ending

sad zbogom, neću reći

Now good-bye, I won't say

da te volim, al' znaj

That I love you, but know this -

Marina, ti si bila moja pesma

Marina, you were my song

i moja plima.

And my tide

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