Translation of the song Mi smo još uvek zemljaci artist Đorđe Balašević
Mi smo još uvek zemljaci
We Are Still Countrymen
Kada se noć i subota sretnu
When the night meets Saturday
Zakuva se takav žur na Menhetnu
Manhattan turns into such a party
Da bele rade iskaču iz saksije
That daisies jump out of flowerpots
Startuju tada opasne njuške
Dangerous types come out then
Protuve ženske, seke muške
Female good-for-nothings, male sisters
Al glavni provod ipak je lov na taksije
But the main fun is hunting for taxies
Majstor je stao ko da je znao
The driver pulled over, as if he knew
Sitna mu kiša farove tiho gasila
Droplets of drizzle extinguished his headlights
I učini mi se momenat pre tog
And just in the moment before I thought that
Da na visuljku prepoznah svetog Vasila
I recognized St. Basil1 on his car charm
Svi su taksisti uglavnom isti
All taxi drivers are mostly the same
Stari kontraši i nihilisti
Old naysayers and nihilists
Ili ćutljivci nemi od ružnih prizora
Or silent, lost for words from ugly scenes
Na poznat govor samo se trže
Familiar speech just made him wince
Neko već trubi da tera brže
Somebody's honked for him to hurry up
Proviri mišić iz ugla retrovizora
A small mouse peered from the corner of the rear-view mirror
Al svaka psovka mišolovka
But every swearword is a mousetrap2
I on je jedva čekao da se ulovimo
And he couldn't wait to get caught
Odgurnu volan ko supu vrelu
He pushed away the steering wheel like hot soup
Okrenu se lupi po čelu
Turned around and slapped his forehead
Zaglavljen metak i tišina
A bullet stuck in the barrel and silence
A srce tuče sedam osmina
But his heart is beating in seven eights3
Mi smo još juče bili zemljaci
Just yesterday we were countrymen
Poznam ja odmah naše oči iste
I can immediately tell that we have the same eyes
Šta se tu folirate da ste stranci
Why are you pretending that you're foreigners
Kada niste
When you're not?
Mi smo još juče bili tim snova
Just yesterday we were the dream team
A evo kako danas stoje stvari
And look how things are today
Ne smeta ništa što je zemlja nova
It doesn't matter that the country is new
Mi smo stari
We're still same old
Devedes` prve spakov`o kofer
In 19914 he packed his suitcase
Hortikultura, trenutno šofer
Horticulture, but currently a driver
`Ajmo do njega, po ženicu i svastiku
Let's go to his house, to fetch the wife and the sister-in-law
Tri čase kaže, rečicu prave
Three glasses, he says, start a river
Četiri bome, Njujork poplave
And four glasses flood New York
Ote se suza i zamuti mastiku?
A tear dropped and clouded his mastika5
I reče nam gorko ne d`o Bog nikom
And he said bitterly, don't wish it on anybody
Da `leb zaradi politikom, greh je to
To earn their bread with politics, that's a sin
Vidiš, moji sinčići Vangel i Blaže
You see, my little sons, Vangel and Blaže
dohvate globus, Strumicu traže
Reach for the globe, looking for Strumica6
I gde god prstić na Balkan stave
And wherever they put their little fingers on the Balkans
Pokriju barem tri države
They cover at least three countries
I tako krene cuga za cugom
And so it went, one drink after another
Proveja jutro kao sitno brašno
The morning blew by like fine flour
Javi se onaj stari žal za Jugom
Bringing along that old longing for the South7
Nista strašno
Nothing too bad
Čuvaj mi Bože bivše zemljake
God, look after my ex-countrymen
Moje su pesme njinih reči pune
My songs are full of their words
A tuge su nam tako podjednake
And our sorrows are so much the same
Da me zbune
That they confuse me