Translation of the song Ognjena artist Đorđe Balašević
Mesec je mlad zaljuljao grad
Young moon has reeled the city,
Na lahoru mrak prosušio lak
The breeze of darkness has spilt easily.
Po baštama su prve
First flowers have started growing
Noćne Frajle nikle
In the gardens.
Večeras dodaj malo kremena u štikle
Tonight add some grit to your high heels
I odigraj cool, potpuno cool
And play it cool, completely cool.
Obrati pažnju na bas
Pay attention to the bass,
U ritmu je spas
The savour is in the rhythm,
I kad nađeš svoj gruv
And when you find your own groove,
i na kiši si suv
You'll stay dry even in the rain.
Načini svaki korak ovom istom strašću
Make every step with this same passion
I pregazićeš more na tom hodočašću
And you'll step over the sea in that pilgrimage
Ako ostaneš cool, sasvim cool
If you stay cool, completely cool.
Sve ima svoje
Everything has a bit of its own,
I vatra i led
Fire and ice,
U kap se spoje
In a drop sorrow and honey
I čemer i med
Can combine.
Sve ima svoje, Vrlina i greh
Everything has a bit of its own,
Tuge postoje da bi prizvale smeh
Virtue and sin,
Malecka, ponoć zvecka
Little one, midnight is ticking,
A tvoja bajka i dalje sja
And your fairy tale is still shining.
Malecka, suza pecka
Little one, tears can sting,
Al' šta bi
But what would you do
s gunđalom k'o ja
With a glrumbler like myself
Ti samo odigraj cool
You should only play it cool.
Noć je k'o neki druid
The night is like some druid,
smućkala fluid
Mixed up fluid,
I vazduh sladunja k'o mošorinska dunja
And the air is sweet like a quince.
U tebi noćas uzbuđeno srndać dršće
Tonight inside you a buck is excitingly trembling,
Nemir čerge koja stigne na raskršće
The mischief of standing in a crossroad,
Odradi to cool, strogo cool
Do it cool, completely cool.
Sve ima svoje
Everything has its own,
Kad mrzne i vri
When it frosts and when it boils,
Kad menja boje
When it changes colours,
Kad vene i zri
When it withers or when it blossoms.
Sve ima svoje, početak i kraj
Everything has its own, the beginning and the end,
Tame postoje da bi prizvale sjaj
Darkness exists to recall the brightness.