Translation of the song Oprosti mi, Katrin artist Đorđe Balašević


Oprosti mi, Katrin

English translation

Forgive me,Katrin

(Ekspresni vlak za Pariz:

(expres train for Paris:

Pula, Trst, Milano, Torino, Grenobl, Pariz


Polazi sa četrnaestog kolosjeka, drugi peron lijevo

Leaving from fourteenth track, second platform on the left

Ponavljam, ekspresni vlak za Pariz:

I repeat, expres train for Paris:

Pula, Trst, Milano, Torino, Grenobl, Pariz


Polazi sa četrnaestog kolosjeka, drugi peron lijevo)

Leaving from fourteenth track, second platform on the left

Na stanici u Puli pod vrelim suncem leta

On station in Pula under hot summer sun

Sam čekao autobus i svirao gitaru

I was waiting for bus and playing guitar

Kad sela je kraj mene i pitala da l' smeta

when she set next to me and asked if she bothers

I znam li dobar hotel u Rovinju il Vrsaru

and if I know good hotel in Rovinj or Vrsar



Oprosti mi Katrin, možda nisam bio fin

Forgive me,Katrin, maybe I wasn't nice

Mada si mi bila draga

although I liked you

Oprosti mi Katrin, sve je sada samo dim

Forgive me,Katrin, everything is only air now

Našoj ljubavi ni traga

not even a clue of our love

I reče da je stigla tog jutra iz Dižona

And said that she came that morning from Dijon

Odvedoh je u mali restoran s dobrom klopom

I took her to small restaurant with good food

Uz sendviče i kafu, onako iz fazona

with sandwitches and coffee,just for joke

Predložih joj da dalje krene sa mnom autostopom

suggested her to go with me by hitchhiking



I sutra sve je bilo k'o da se dugo znamo

And tomorrow everything was as we know each other for long

Na plaži joj, na poklon, izronih morskog puža

on beach I dive,for present,sea snail

I nije rekla ništa, nasmešila se samo

and she didn't say anything,just smile

I pružila mi ruke kao sebe da mi pruža

and gave me hands as she's giving herself to me



I mahala mi dugo, sa prozora vagona

And waved me long from wagon window

I pisala mi, posle, da pamti sunce juga

and wrote me,after,that remembers southern sun

I zvala me u jesen da dođem do Dižona

and called me in autumn to come to Dijon

Al' tamo ne bi bila ista nego neka druga

but there she wouldn'e be the same,but some other one



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