Translation of the song Sevdalinka artist Đorđe Balašević



English translation


Štagod noćas da zapevam vućiće na sevdalinku...

Whatever I sing tonight will sound like a sevdalinka*

Usnuo sam čobanicu uplakanu u šljiviku...

I've dreamed a dream of a shepherd girl crying among the plum trees

Grom udari... Planu seno... Rasturi se stado njeno...

The thunder struck, the hay caught fire. Her flock scattered

Zaplete se dim na uvojku... Reče da se zove Bosna...

Smoke rose from a lock of her hair... She said her name was Bosnia

čudno ime za devojku?

What an unusual name for a girl

Nekom Drina teče desno... Nekom Drina lijevo teče...

To some Drina runs on the right, to some, Drina runs on the left

Sve da teče u dubinu... Na dve pole svet da seče...

Even if it run downwards and cut the world in two halves

Znam tajni gaz, moje lane... Most se pruži gde ja stanem...

I know a secret passage my calf, a bridge rises where I step.

Sve da vuku me konji vrani... Nema meni jedne strane dok si ti na drugoj strani...

Even if I was pulled by dark horses... There's no one side for me while you are at the other side.

Osta ovaj stari kompas u grudima... A po polju nikli zabrani...

I still have the old compass in my chest, and fences have grown in fields

Crne senke što se gnezde u ljudima nadleću me kao gavrani...

Dark shadows that nest in people are flying over me like ravens.

Nekada sam putovao po mjesecu... Kroz vilajet pun hajdučije...

I used to travel in the moonlight through a wilayah** fool of bandits

A sada me oči ljudske plaše više nego vučije...

And now human eyes scare me more than a wolve's.

Stoputa su prijatelji u molitvi pomenuti...

My friends have been mentioned in prayers a hundred times

Dal će mi se radovati? Ili glavu okrenuti?

Will they be happy to see me, or will they turn away their heads?

Šta slagati? Šta im kasti? Svet ne možeš pesmom spasti...

What do I lye to them, what do I say? You can't save a world with a song.

Njine brige me i noćas brinu

Their worries worry me tonight too

Dok se spremam na put kući... Na put kući...U tuđinu...

While I am getting ready for a trip back home... for a trip back home... abroad.

Svetom smo se rasipali ko đerdani... Nosili nas nebom ćilimi...

We used to scatter around the world like beads, carpets used to carry us in the sky.

Da li su to stvarno bili bolji dani, ili smo to bolji bili mi?

Were those really the better days, or were we better?

Nekad smo se bratimili po pogledu... Sluteći da isto sanjamo...

We used to become brothers by looking at each other's eyes and feeling we had the same dreams

I bogu je prosto bilo krstimo l se ili klanjamo...

And even God didn't mind if we crossed ourselves or bowed

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