Translation of the song Soliter artist Đorđe Balašević
The Skyscraper
Naš soliter je super
Our skyscraper is great
brat je na glavi bratu
a brother is on top of a brother's head
al' da krenemo redom
but let's start from the beginning.
znači, na prvom spratu žive dobri južnjaci
So, on the first floor, there are some kind people from the south,
znam ih samo po faci i po pesmama
I only know their faces, and their songs.
A nad njima se viju tiči junačke krvi
Above them fly the birds of heroic blood
jes, na drugom su spratu
OK, they are on the second floor,
al' su inače prvi
but otherwise, they are the first.
kažu, uzdaj se u se
They say, confide in yourself,
u se i u svoje Ruse
in yourself and the Russians,
pa da guslamo
and let's play the fiddle.
Nas soliter je veselo zdanje
Our skyscraper is a merry mansion
talasa masa, ljulja ga stalno
the crowd is shaking it constantly.
sad je doveden u prizemno stanje
It's been taken down to the ground,
al' zamišljen je monumentalno
but it was conceived monumentally.
Takvog nema na svetu okruglom
There is nothing like it in the whole world
fasada drži, a temelji klize
the facade is holding but the foundations are sliding,
nas je soliter pod izvesnim uglom
our skyscraper is at a certain angle,
kao slavni toranj iz Pize
like the famous Pisa tower.
Na trećem je spratu je opštenarodna strava
On the third floor there is a multinational disaster
ona dva podstanara traže stanarska prava
those two tenants are asking for their tenants' rights
zasada parnica fer je, dok ne poleti perje
it will be a fair litigation, until feathers start flying
kroz naš soliter
through our skyscraper.
A na četvrtom sevdah
The fourth floor is full of love
raja puca od zdravlja
and everyone is in good health
jedni vide svog Boga
some pray to good
drugim Gospa se javlja
others to a lady
a proleter goloruk diže vilu na o-ruk
and a bare-handed worker is building a villa
era mermera
it is the age of marble.
Susjed s petoga kata
The neighbour from the fifth floor
ima pregled od gore
has a good view from above
jedan prozor na zapad
one window to the west
jedan prozor na more
another to the sea.
da se ne bi opekel
So he doesn't burn himself,
nikad niš ne bu rekel
he will never say anything,
to je najbolje
that is the best thing to do.
A na šestem nastropju
On the sixth floor
neki skupovi tužni
there are some sad congregations
ti se ne druže s nama
they don't socialize with us
mi smo suviše južni
we are way too southern
i kad razmislim malo
and if I think a little
njima nije baš stalo
they don't really care
za naš soliter
about our skyscraper.