Translation of the song Sei qui con me artist Salvatore Adamo
Sei qui con me
You're Here With Me
Ascolta i nostri cuori
Listen to our hearts,
ascolta come cantano
listen how they're singing,
si sono ritrovati
they again found each other
di tanta gioia piangono.
with so much joy they're crying.
Mi avevi detto addio
You had told me goodbye,
credevo di morire
I thought I was dying,
ma ho pregato Dio
but I prayed to God
e sei ancora mia.
and you're still mine.
Sei qui con me
You're here with me,
per amarmi ancora
still in love with me,
sei qui come allora
you're here like before
per restare con me.
to stay with me.
Sei qui con me
You're here with me,
i tuoi occhi brillano
your eyes are shining,
piangi e sorridi
you're crying and smiling,
che felicità, sei qui con me.
such happiness, you're here with me.
Sei qui con me
You're here with me,
per amarmi ancora
still in love me,
sei qui come allora
you're here like before
per restare con me.
to stay with me.
Ascolta, non parlare
Listen, do not talk,
To aspettata tanto
I've waited for you for so long,
ascolta, non turbare
listen, don't upset
un così dolce incanto
a such sweet enchantment.
Ascolta quei violini
Listen to those violins!
che dolce sinfonia
What sweet symphony,
ascolta come gridano
listen how they shout
che sei ancora mia.
that you're still mine.
Sei qui con me
You're here with me
i tuoi occhi brillano
your eyes are shining,
piangi e sorridi
you're crying and smiling,
che felicità, sei qui con me.
such happiness, you're here with me.