Translation of the song 翼に乗せて artist Tatsurō Yamashita
Put on your wings and let's fly
翼と 翔ける 陽ざしに
One day, we will fly with our wings among the sun
きのうを 放つと
When you, wake up
眩しい 窓の向こうで
Through the window, brighter you see
見知らぬ 世界が
In this world, completely strange
陽炎 きらめくとき
When the heat fog arrives
Let's miss our memories
That same day we will go up
いつでも そうなんだ
As we always dream
誰も 届かぬ空は
I want to be able to reach this big sky
変わらぬ 僕の夢
I will never change this dream
I will share this
If we have problems with something
翼と 話そう
Just talk with our wings
Put on your wings and let's fly!