Translation of the song Blockia artist Bad Bunny
Block you
Usted tiene un nuevo mensaje de voz, mensaje nuevo:
You have a new voice message, new message:
Hola mi amor, te he llamado muchas veces. Veo que te va bien, que tienes muchos shows. No sabes cuánto...
Hello my love, I've called you many times. I see that you're doing well, that you have a lot of shows. You don't realize how much...
Mensaje marcado
Message marked
[Coro: Bad Bunny / Bad Bunny & Farruko]
Baby no me llames más
Baby, don't call me anymore
Que yo sé lo que tu das, yeh
I know what you give, yeah
De ti no quiero saber
I don't want to hear of you
Lo nuestro se acabó y no hay vuelta atrás
What we had is over and there's no going back
Una más y te va' blockia
One more (message) and I'll block you
No me llames más
Don't call me anymore
Que yo sé lo que tu das, yeh
I know what you give, yeah
De ti no quiero saber
I don't want to hear of you
Lo nuestro se acabó y no hay vuelta atrás
What we had is over and there's no going back
Una más y te va' blockia
One more (message) and I'll block you
[Verso 1: Farruko]
Verse 1
Baby no me llames más, no me busques más
Baby don't call me again, don't come looking for me again
De ti no quiero saber, no te quiero volver a ver
I don't want to hear any more from you, I don't want you to come back
De mis redes ya yo te bloqueé porque no supiste ser fiel
I've already blocked you on my social media because you weren't faithful
Tú me utilizaste, de mi abusaste, mejor quédate con el
You used me, you abused me, it's better if you stay with him
Más pa' alante vive gente eso lo sabes tu
Further ahead, you know that
Que al final de la oscuridad siempre se ve la luz
in the end of the darkness, the light is always seen
No quiero saber más de ti (Farru)
I don't want to hear any more from you (Farru)
[Coro: Farruko & Bad Bunny]
Baby no me llames más
Baby, don't call me anymore
Que yo sé lo que tu das
I know what you give, yeah
De ti no quiero saber
I don't want to hear of you
Una más y te vas blockia, te vas blockia
What we had is over and there's no going back
No me llames más
Don't call me anymore
Que yo sé lo que tu das, yeh
I know what you give, yeah
De ti no quiero saber
I don't want to hear of you
Lo nuestro se acabó y no hay vuelta atrás
What we had is over and there's no going back
Una más y te va' blockia, yeh
One more (message) and I'll block you
[Verso 2: Bad Bunny]
Verse 2
Te dedique canciones
I dedicate songs to you
Por ti rompí un par de corazones
I broke a few hearts for you
Me gaste el ticket en tus operaciones
I spent the ticket on your operations
Son muchas las razones pa' que te odie y no te perdone
There are many reasons why I'd hate you and not forgive you
Que cambiaste, me tiene sin cojone
You've changed, I don't give a fuck
Tu número yo no lo pedí
I didn't lose your number
Y no te borro 'e Facebook pa' que veas que sin ti yo estoy feliz
And I didn't remove you on Facebook so that you'd see that I'm happy without you
El ultimo break ya yo te lo di
I already gave you the last break
Si te lo vuelvo a meter es porque de ese toto no me despedí
If you come back
Tu eres una psycho, una loqui' (yeh)
You're a psycho, crazy
Por eso en el Instagram ma' ya yo te blocki-eh
Because of that, I blocked you on Instagram
No vuelvo a confiar como en ti yo confié
I'm not going to trust you like I did again
A tu nombre hoy abro veinte de Moët
I open a bottle of Veinte de Moet in your name today
[Coro: Bad Bunny / Bad Bunny & Farruko]
Baby no me llames más
Baby, don't call me anymore
Que yo sé lo que tu das, yeh
I know what you give, yeah
De ti no quiero saber
I don't want to hear of you
Lo nuestro se acabó y no hay vuelta atrás
What we had is over and there's no going back
Una más y te vas blockia
One more (message) and I'll block you
No me llames más
Don't call me anymore
Que yo sé lo que tu das, yeh
I know what you give, yeah
De ti no quiero saber
I don't want to hear of you
Lo nuestro se acabó y no hay vuelta atrás
What we had is over and there's no going back
Una más y te va' blockia, yeh
One more (message) and I'll block you
[Outro: Bad Bunny, Farruko]
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
It's trap season nigga
It's trap season nigga
Hear This Music
Hear This Music
Bad Bunny baby-be-be
Bad Bunny baby-be-be
Farruko, Hear This - Hear This Music, yeh
Farruko, Hear This - Hear This Music, yeh
Trap Kingz
Trap Kingz
Díselo Luian, Dj Luian
Díselo Luian, Dj Luian
Mambo Kingz, Mambo Kingz, Mambo Kingz, yeh
Mambo Kingz, Mambo Kingz, Mambo Kingz, yeh
Bad Bunny, Trap Kingz baby
Bad Bunny, Trap Kingz baby