Translation of the song Soliá artist Bad Bunny
Used To
Llegó soliá, salió sin la' amiga'
She arrived alone, she went out without her friends
Revelá', en el alcohol buscando una salida
Rebellious, in alcohol looking for a way out
De esa relación de mentira
From that fake relationship
Mami, ya vi cómo me miras
Baby, I saw how you look at me
Te lo repito por si se te olvida
I repeat it to you in case you forget it
Envíale un mensaje que diga
Send him a message that says
Que no te deje sola
To not leave you alone
Porque puede perderte
Because he could lose you
Si algún día vuelve a verte
If one day he sees you again
De mi parte le dice' que no te deje sola
Tell him I say to not leave you alone
Porque puede perderte
Because he could lose you
Si algún día vuelve a verte
If one day he sees you again
Eh, eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Eh, eh-eh
Hoy quiere bailar la noche entera, eh
Today she wants to dance all night long, eh
Está casi soltera
She is almost single
No le presenta a nadie, eso le da flojera
I don't introduce anyone to her, she doesn't want that
Total, al final de la noche ella tiene lo que quiera
She still gets what she wants at the end of the night
La luna ya le indicó
The moon already showed it to her
Subió algo pa'l story, alguien se picó
She posted something on her story, someone got mad
Sonó su canción y se la dedicó
Her favorite song plays and she dedicates it
Dice que quiere hacerlo conmigo rico, eh
She says she wants to do it with me good, huh
Que lo' cristale' se empañen
Let the windows fog
La nena está grande, como pa' que alguien la regañe
The girl is grown up for someone to nag her
La noche no le dañe, eh
Don't ruin her night, huh
Que la Kardashian ya no está pa' Kanye
The Kardashian is no longer down for Kanye
Han sido mucha' decepcione', eh
There have been many disappointments, eh
Mentira' de to' esto' cabrone', eh
Lies from all of these assholes, eh
Una ve' má' le fallaron
Once again they failed her
Daría una oportunida', pero se le acabaron
She would give it a chance, but she ran out of them
Llegó soliá, salió sin la' amiga'
She arrived alone, she went out without her friends
Revelá', en el alcohol buscando una salida
Rebellious, in alcohol looking for a way out
De esa relación de mentira
From that fake relationship
Mami, ya vi cómo me miras
Baby, I saw how you look at me
Te lo repito por si se te olvida
I repeat it to you in case you forget it
Envíale un mensaje que diga
Send him a message that says
Que no te deje sola
To not leave you alone
Porque puede perderte
Because he could lose you
Si algún día vuelve a verte
If one day he sees you again
De mi parte le dice' que no te deje sola
Tell him I say to not leave you alone
Porque puede perderte
Because he could lose you
Si algún día vuelve a verte
If one day he sees you again