Translation of the song Ša, inteligente artist Antis


Ša, inteligente

English translation

Shush, Intellectual

Ša, inteligente, skurdžiau nelaimingas

Shush, intellectual, you unfortunate pauper

Kam tu, kam tu, kam tu, kam tu reikalingas?

What, what, what, what are you even good for?

Ša, inteligente, tu dar egzistuoji?

Shush, intellectual, do you still exist?

Kokį šlamštą valgai, skudurus nešioji?

What sort of trash are you eating, what rags are you wearing?

Ša, inteligente, nutrintom rankovėm

Shush, intellectual, with the worn out sleeves

Gal tau truputėlį pinigų paskolint?

Would you like to have some money lent to you?

Ša, inteligente, mokytas bedalį

Shush, intellectual, educated and misfortunate

Ką tu ten sapnuoji apie mūsų šalį?

What is that you're dreaming, about our country?

Nagi, pavėžink su taksi

Go on, give a ride in the taxi

Še tau trisdešimt kapeikų

Here, have thirty cents

Kas tu revoliucija esi

What are you, revolution

Jei inteligento tau nereikia?

If you don't need an intellectual?

Ša, inteligente, skurdžiau nelaimingas

Shush, intellectual, you unfortunate pauper

Kam tu, kam tu, kam tu, kam tu reikalingas?

What, what, what, what are you even good for?

Ša, inteligente, tarpsluoksni juokingas

Shush, intellectual, you amusing peasant

Norėjai būti doras ir labai protingas?

You dreamed of being good, and very intelligent?

Ša, inteligente, kultūringas avinėli

Shush, intellectual, you cultured little lamb

Eik nuimti derlių, kovotojau už gėrį

Go gather the harvest, you fighter for the good

Ša, inteligente! Greitai nusibaigsi!

Shush, intellectual! Soon you will wear yourself out!

Patriukšmauk per spaudą, mes tau šitą leisim

Make a scandal through the press, that we will allow you.

Nagi, pavėžink su taksi

Go on, give a ride in the taxi

Še tau trisdešimt kapeikų

Here, have thirty cents

Kas tu revoliucija esi

What are you, revolution

Jei inteligento tau nereikia?

If you don't need an intellectual?

Ša, inteligente, skurdžiau nelaimingas

Shush, intellectual, you unfortunate pauper

Kam tu, kam tu, kam tu, kam tu reikalingas?

What, what, what, what are you even good for?

Ša, inteligente, skurdžiau nelaimingas

Shush, intellectual, you unfortunate pauper

Kam tu, kam tu, kam tu, kam tu reikalingas?

What, what, what, what are you even good for?

Ša, inteligente, skurdžiau nelaimingas

Shush, intellectual, you unfortunate pauper

Kam tu, kam tu, kam tu, kam tu reikalingas?

What, what, what, what are you even good for?

Ša, inteligente! Praraja po kojom!

Shush, intellectual! The abyss is before you!

Kas iš mūsų netiki šviesesniu rytojum?

Which of us does not believe in a brighter tomorrow?

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