Translation of the song به بچههامون چی بگیم؟ artist Dariush
به بچههامون چی بگیم؟
What do we have to tell our kids?
به بچههای تو و من
To your kids and mine
وقتی یه روز بزرگ شدن
once they're grown ups
فردا که میخوان بدونن
Tomorrow, as they wish to know
کجا به دنیا اومدن
Where they where born,
بگو جوابمون چیه
what do we have to say?
حرف حسابمون چیه
What will our argument be?
تکلیف اون خونهای که
What should be made of the home
شده خرابمون چیه
that was left ruined?
تکلیف اون خونهای که
What should be made of the home
شده خرابمون چیه
that was left ruined?
گناه هرچی که گذشت
For what happened in the past
به گردن ما بود و هست
We were to blame, and still are
از ما اگر بتی شکست
If we broke any idols
بتهای تازه جاش نشست
New ones sat in their place
هیچکس به غیر از خود ما
No one except for ourselves
از خود ما فریب نخورد
Has been deceived by us
هیچکس به غیر از خود ما
No one except for ourselves
ما رو به بیراهه نبرد
Led us astray
به بچههای تو و من
To your kids and mine
وقتی یه روز بزرگ شدن
once they're grown ups
فردا که میخوان بدونن
Tomorrow, as they wish to know
کجا به دنیا اومدن
Where they where born,
بگو جوابمون چیه
What do we have to say?
حرف حسابمون چیه
What will our argument be?
تکلیف اون خونهای که
What should be made of the home
شده خرابمون چیه
that was left ruined?
گناه هرچی که گذشت
For what happened in the past
به گردن ما بود و هست
We were to blame, and still are
از ما اگر بتی شکست
If we broke any idols
بتهای تازه جاش نشست
New ones sat in their place
هیچکس به غیر از خود ما
No one except for ourselves
از خود ما فریب نخورد
Has been deceived by us
هیچکس به غیر از خود ما
No one except for ourselves
ما رو به بیراهه نبرد
Led us astray
به بچههامون چی بگیم
What is there to tell our kids?
بگیم که بیهویتیم
That we have no identity?
گدای حق خودمون
We are beggars of our rights
پشت درای غربتیم
Behind the gates of exile
گدای حق خودمون
We are beggars of our rights
پشت درای غربتیم
Behind the gates of exile
به بچههامون چی بگیم
What is there to tell our kids?
که از کدوم ولایتیم
Which country is our home?
گدای حق خودمون
We are beggars of our rights
پشت درای غربتیم
Behind the gates of exile
گدای حق خودمون
We are beggars of our rights
پشت درای غربتیم
Behind the gates of exile