Translation of the song حس تو artist Dariush


حس تو

English translation

Your feeling

امکان نداره حس تو از یاد این خونه بره

It's impossible that your feeling leaves the memory of this house

دردی که با عشق اومده با مرگ میتونه بره

A pain that has come with love can [only] leave with death

دنیامو دادم دست تو از هر طرف بن بست شه

I trusted my world to you so that it becomes a dead end on all sides

جداً کجا دیدی کسی با قاتلش همدست شه

Seriously, have your ever seen anyone aiding his murderer?!1

تب میکنم از فکر تو تا با خودم همدرد شم

Thinking of you, I've come down with a fever to sympathize with myself2

صدتا زمستونم بیاد امکان نداره سرد شم

Not [even] a hundred winters can cool me down

شاید تمامِ عمرمو درگیر ویرونی کنی

Maybe you inflict all my life with destruction

اما بدون با عشق من کاری نمیتونی کنی

But you can't do anything about my love

هرروز راهی میشی و باور ندارم رفتنو

You set out to leave everyday and I don't believe the separation

تنهاتر از اونم که از رفتن بترسونی منو

I'm so lonely that you can't scare me of leaving me

جز زخم هایی که زدی چیزی برام مرهم نشد

I have no cure other than the scars you have left on me

هر کار کردی با دلم این عشق در من کم نشد

No matter what you did to my heart, my love didn't subside

امکان نداره حس تو از یاد این خونه بره

It's impossible that your feeling leaves the memory of this house

دردی که با عشق اومده با مرگ میتونه بره

A pain that has come with love can [only] leave with death

دنیامو دادم دست تو از هر طرف بن بست شه

I trusted my world to you so that it becomes a dead end on all sides

جداً کجا دیدی کسی با قاتلش همدست شه

Seriously, have your ever seen anyone aiding his murderer?!

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