Translation of the song خونه artist Dariush
خونه این خونه ی ویرون
Home, this destroyed Home
واسه من هزار تا خاطره داره
This Home has thousands of memories for me
خونه این خونه ی تاریک
Home, this dark home
چه روزایی رو بیادم میاره
What kind of days come back into my mind...
اون روزا یادم نمیره
I cant think of that day
دیوار خونه پر از پنجره بود
(when) the walls were full of windows.
تا افق همسایه ی ما
To the horizon of our neighbours
دریا بود ستاره بود منظره بود
were rivers, stars and scenery.
خونه خونه جای بازی
Home, Home the place of play
برای آفتاب و آب بود
For there was sunshine and water
پر نور واسه بیداری
A lot of light for when you woke up
پر سایه واسه خواب بود
A lot of shade for sleep
پدرم میگفت قدیما
My Father said; Back when
کینه هامون رو دور انداخته بودیم
all our grudges have gone
توی برف و باد و بارون
In(to) snow, wind and rain
خونه رو با قلبامون ساخته بودیم
We have created this Home with our hearts
خونه عشق مادرم بود
The Home was my mothers love
که تو باغچه ش گل اطلسی میکاشت
who planted petunias in her garden
خونه روح پدرم بود
The Home was my fathers soul
چیزی رو همپای خونه دوست نداشت
Who did not want anything close to his Home
خونه خونه جای بازی
Home, Home the place of play
برای آفتاب و آب بود
For there was sunshine and water
پر نور واسه بیداری
A lot of light for when you woke up
پر سایه واسه خواب بود
A lot of shade for sleep
سیل غارتگر اومد
A predatory Flood came
از تو رودخونه گذشت
Who passed by the river
پلا رو شکست و برد
The bridge broke down and won
زد و از خونه گذشت
He ran out of the Home
دست غارتگر سیل
at the Hand(s) of the predatory flood
خونه رو ویرونه کرد
the Home got destroyed
پدر پیرمو کشت
My old father has been killed
مادرو دیوونه کرد
my mother went crazy
حالا من موندم و این ویرونه ها
Now i am staying in these ruins
پر خشم و کینه ی دیوونه ها
Full of anger and grudges and crazy people
منه زخمی منه خسته منه پاک
I am injured, I am tired, I am clean
مینویسم آخرین حرفو رو خاک
I am writing my last words in the dirt
کی میاد دست توی دستم بذاره
Who is going to hold my hand
تا بسازیم خونه مونرو دوباره؟
To build my home again?