Translation of the song Ngopp a lun artist Rocco Hunt
Ngopp a lun
On the Moon
Amo’ vien cu mme
My lov come with me
Te port ngopp’ a Luna
I’ll bring you on the moon
Addo nient ce tocca
Where nothing touch us
E nun po’ vedè nisciuno
And no one can see us
Nguoll’ a me hann ritt’
About me they were sayin
Ca pe tte nun so’ buon
I wasn’t good for you
Vonn ca’ staje buon ma mai meglio ‘e loro
They want you to be good but not better than them
Chillu criaturo ca’ scriveva ‘e poesie dint’ o Bus
That boy that was writing poetry on the bus
Mmo’ sta cuntann nu milion e nun parl de views
Now is counting a million and I ain’t talking ‘bout views
E si sta robb fness pecchè Nun c prov cchiu gust’
And if this thing would it end because I don’t like it anymore
Vogl murì affianc a ess fors è a’ cosa chiu giust
I wanna die next to her maybe the most right thing
Pecche me rat nu nom quand parlav co mur
Because you gave a name when I was talking to the wall
Pecche me rat na cas pe da a campá nu criatur
Because you gave me a house to grow up a kid
Me fat crescer ambress
You made grow up fast
E o’ prezz è ca nun so’ chiu o’ stess
And the price is that I’m not the same
Perciò ccu te me confido comm fuss’ nu diario
Than with you I confide like you’re a diary
Addo ce scrivo ‘e cos belle e a’ vot tremmen e man
Where I write the nice things and sometimes hands tremble
Po’ ce stann cert juorn aro me sento nu zero
Than there is some days where I feel a zero
Pure quand te realizz’ nun canciell’ A Favelas
Even when you get realised you don’t delete the Favela
Amo’ vien cu mme
My lov come with me
Te port ngopp’ a Luna
I’ll bring you on the moon
Addo nient ce tocca
Where nothing touch us
E nun po’ vedè nisciuno
And no one can see us
Nguoll’ a me hann ritt’
About me they were sayin
Ca pe tte nun so’ buon
I wasn’t good for you
Vonn ca’ staje buon ma mai meglio ‘e loro
They want you to be good but not better than them
Chillu criaturo ca’ scriveva ‘e poesie dint’ o Bus
That boy that was writing poetry on the bus
Mmo’ sta cuntann nu milion e nun parl de views
Now is counting a million and I ain’t talking ‘bout views
E si sta robb fness pecchè Nun c prov cchiu gust’
And if this thing would it end because I don’t like it anymore
Vogl murì affianc a ess fors è a’ cosa chiu giust
I wanna die next to her maybe the most right thing
Staser o ciel è che stel e piglm p man
Tonight the sky and the star and take my hand
E s m vuo ben over nun ascptá riman
And if you really love me don’t wait tomorrow
Perché quand nun c staij s ferm semp o cor
Because when you not here it always stop the heart
Scus s nun c prov
Sorry if I don’t try
Pur s c mor
Even if it dies
Voglij suná ancor com quand er criatur
Wanna play again like when I was kid
Che spran rind e jeans e nammurá e niscun
With hopes in the jeans and fall in love for nobody
Sim crisciut assiem t sacc ra criatur
We grow up together I know you since we were kids
E zitt zitt ric
And softly softly you say
Amo’ vien cu mme
My lov come with me
Te port ngopp’ a Luna
I’ll bring you on the moon
Addo nient ce tocca
Where nothing touch us
E nun po’ vedè nisciuno
And no one can see us
Nguoll’ a me hann ritt’
About me they were sayin
Ca pe tte nun so’ buon
I wasn’t good for you
Vonn ca’ staje buon ma mai meglio ‘e loro
They want you to be good but not better than them
Chillu criaturo ca’ scriveva ‘e poesie dint’ o Bus
That boy that was writing poetry on the bus
Mmo’ sta cuntann nu milion e nun parl de views
Now is counting a million and I ain’t talking ‘bout views
E si sta robb fness pecchè Nun c prov cchiu gust’
And if this thing would it end because I don’t like it anymore
Vogl murì affianc a ess fors è a’ cosa chiu giust
I wanna die next to her maybe the most right thing