Reči veće su od dela, ego veći je od tela,
Words are bigger than acts, ego is bigger than the body
šta ti znaš niko ne zna, pročit`o si da si jebač.
No one knows what you know, read it and you're a fucker
Zato kao kralj sveta ulicama grada šetaš,
And as the king of the world you're walking through the streets
grabiš šta ti treba, a krčiš šta ti smeta.
You grab what you want and you're harassing what bothered you
Obučen k`o mafijaš iz mafijaškog filma,
Trained as a mobster from a mafia movie
iz limuzine klinke snimaš u pratnji gorila.
They record you in a limo with a gorilla
Teziš društvu bandita jer se pališ na kriminal,
Hanging out with the bandits as you're burning on crime
oni znaju da si pička, ali veze ipak imaš.
They know you're a pussy, but you have connections
Razvučeš koka kolu po stolu jer neko prod`o ti je foru,
You get your coke on the table because someone raided you
da se manje spava noću kad kvalitet je u nosu.
In order to sleep less at nights, the quality is in your nose
Apartmani, splavovi, za ženu si na poslu,
Apartments, rafts, you're working for your wife
sve se sazna, izvali, al' tiću se za lovu.
Everyone knows, I get it, but I'm talking about hunting
U osnovi svega je komleks očigledan,
Basically, the complex is obvious
garant si nekada kao deran bio opako jeban,
Sometimes you're a guarantor, sometimes a fucker
pa pred svima zato sad se predstavljaš k`o mačo,
So first of all you're thinking of pussy
ali titula čoveka se ne prodaje za zlato.
But the title of a man isn't sold even by gold
Ti si taj što kaže da svi tapkamo u mraku,
You are the one who says we all go into the darkness
oformio si stranku da bi im`o neku šljaku.
You had a party to get drunk
Zbog malo slave ti si s` đavolom u braku,
Because of this little fame your marriage is hell
ova Srbija je ćopava, al` ti joj kradeš staku.
This is Serbia, you're stealing her stack
Poltroni oko tebe vole kada držiš banku,
Cowards around you love it when you're going to the bank
imas komplekš jer nisi nikad bio mangup.
You have a complex as you've never been rowdy
Zato skupljaš krimi drustvo da sa njima piješ kafu,
That's why you gather a mob to drink some coffee with them
donatore kriješ šatro oni su u strahu.
Donors hide their donation boxes, they fear you
Trula je fora kad te cimaju za drogu,
She rotted when they caught you for drugs
zbog tog` se samo primaju, nerviraju na blogu.
Because of that they're now nervous, writing on their blogs
Ti trendove pratiš, brendove i modu,
You follow the trends, brands and fashion
leti si na brodu, zimi si na bordu.
On your ship at Summer, on board at Winter
Ajmo ruke gore vi što vaćarite fondove,
Throw your hands up, you're the one making money
biće vama bolje ako Srbija jos potone.
It's better for you if Serbia is sinking
Velik` BS pozdrav za sve licemerne skotove,
Great BS greets all the hypocritic bastards
svakom koji želi preko nas da obraz opere.
Anyone who wants to get through us will face us at the opera
Da vidim da l` si čovek, pokaži mi šta možeš,
Show me you're a man, show me that you can
boli me kurac kako se ti zoveš,
My dick hurts, what's your name
zajebi prazne priče, nemoj da se ložiš,
Fuck the empty stories, don't lie to me
kada dođe frka da l` ćeš ostati da stojiš!
When the fuss comes you have to stand up
Svi bi da menjate stvari, da menjate sistem,
To change things you need to change the system
pričate priče, a ništa uradili niste.
They're telling stories and doing nothing
Gledam te kako skupljaš lovorike,
I'm watching how you're gathering voters
kako daješ izjave da radiš za više ciljeve.
How you're saying that you're working towards new goals
Sviraš kurcu, prodaješ nam maglu,
You're dicks that are selling us air
ides po inostranstvu i slavis svaku nagradu.
You're going abroad and receive every prize
A mi treba da budemo srećni zbog tebe,
And we must be happy for you
ovde gde ljudi umiru od gladi, bore se za sebe.
While here people die of hunger and fight on their own
Igraš na loptu da ti si naš prosvetitelj,
You say that you're our enlighteners
a debelo naplaćuješ svaki put kada te objave.
And you pay for wholesale every time you get published
Slep si od pohlepe jer vidiš samo interes,
You are blind from greed because you only see interest
a ipak se usuđuješ da dovodiš u pitanje,
And yet you dare to question
našu borbu, cimanje i ciljeve,
Our struggle, caress and goals
a sediš po salonima, furaš priče kilave.
And you're sitting on the lounges spitting your lousy stories
Zgazi na asfalt da te dohvate ulice,
Get on the asphalt to get you to the streets
jer stvarnost nema obzira za našminkane pudlice.
Because reality doesn't matter for obeying
Ti si samo pajac što visi s` tuđe uzice,
You're just clowns playing with our strings
varalica šarena na vrhu tuđe udice,
Colorful imposters hanging on someone else's hook
u ovim mutnim vodama te koriste k`o ukrase,
In these dull waters you're using trinkets
a ti puštaj krila glupane, sve dok te ne udave.
And you let go of the wings of stupidity until you drown
Da vidim da l` si čovek, pokaži mi šta možeš,
Show me you're a man, show me that you can
boli me kurac kako se ti zoveš,
My dick hurts, what's your name
zajebi prazne priče, nemoj da se ložiš,
Fuck the empty stories, don't lie to me
kada dođe frka da l` ćeš ostati da stojiš!
When the fuss comes you have to stand up
Možda davno na početku si ličio na čoveka,
Perhaps at an early age you looked like a man
čvrsto verovao u borbu, ideale im'o nekad.
Who firmly believed on ideals for sometime
Sad si jedan predan kreten, k'o šlihtara vredan,
Now you're a devoted moron, unworthy
pohlepan ispao iz reda, sve bi hteo, sve ti treba.
You went greedy, all you want, all you need
Koliko je dosta? Znam izgubio si kompas.
How much is enough? I know you lost your compass
I kad se tome doda, da voliš da si poznat,
And when you add to that, that you love being known
i na kojim gajbama si uvek bio gost drag,
And that you always get to be a guest on shows
i još k'o zna štošta, zato pit'o bih te prosto,
And I don't know much, so I'm asking you simply
Jel` sve to u nosu o stranačkom trošku,
Is it all about the party's cost
iz posla jebeš Kosovo i zajebi k'o smo?
A deal to fuck Kosovo and us also?
Pošto to je prošlo pa da ne znaš onda možda,
Since it has passed so you don't know then maybe
kad se sve sabere, kol`ko košta obraz?
When the total is combined, is the cost is cheaper?
Zbog svega kompleksašu, mi u Sindikatu,
Because of all the complexes, we at the Syndicate
oformili smo grupu, ono nešto kao stranku.
Formed a group, something like a party
Preslišavanja polako, kancelarija u mraku,
Slowly slopping to the office in the dark
za svaku ljigu takvu za sutra da vam bude nauk.
For everything we can teach you tomorrow
Da vidim da l` si čovek, pokaži mi šta možeš,
Show me you're a man, show me that you can
boli me kurac kako se ti zoveš,
My dick hurts, what's your name
zajebi prazne priče, nemoj da se ložiš,
Fuck the empty stories, don't lie to me
kada dođe frka da l` ćeš ostati da stojiš!
When the fuss comes you have to stand up