Translation of the song Kosovo je Srbija artist Beogradski Sindikat


Kosovo je Srbija

English translation

Kosovo is Serbia

Popio sam inspiracije da pisem zajebancije za Srbiju

I drank some inspirations to sing some amusing verses about Serbia

Neke provokacije zbog situacije

Some provocations because of the situation

U juznom delu nase nacije i u delu populacije ce biti sekiracije

There will be woes in the Southern part of our nation and in a part of the population

Bice usredjene generacije i nece da pocivaju u [bad word] Niko nece smeti da skopa [bad word] Uzimamo nase, ostavljamo krv da se kaze: Kosovo je nase!

There will be a middle-generation and they won't rest in peace Nobody will be allowed to bury the ax. We're taking what's ours, spilling our blood so we can say: Kosovo is ours!

Milom ili silom badja ce da ostaje tamo gde je bilo

Whether by right (peacefully) or by might badja will stay where it was

Nece da ga otima ni jedna mala stotina

Nobody will move it even by a single tiny 100th

Sto ore njive noktima i kote se ko zohari, pogani i propali

where they till the fields with their nails and worm like roaches, filthy and destitute

Ali zajebi, nije tako jedan mudja da dohvati

But fuck it, a mudpile like that won't be reached so easily

Sad ovdje, brate, treba da se dize treci Srpski ustanak

Now here, brother, needs to begin a third Serbian uprising

Hajmo sad svi Srbi podizu se, kuka, motika i maj.

Let's go now all Serbs rise up, hook, hoe and maj.

Peteo sad

Signal flares

Kolji sve, Siptari, Siptarske drolje

Slaughter everyone, Albanians, Albanian whores

Bolje slomice se u stanu

The better ones will be broken in their homes

Mojne odmah jebe vasa mama

Mojne will straight away fuck your mother

Ako jos jednom pokusate da dirate nas deo Balkana.

if you once more try to touch our part of the Balkans.

Uzeli ste Kosovo i sada jos hocete

You took Kosovo and you still want more

pa nece moci, ni Amerika vam nemoze pomoci.

but that won't happen, not even America will be able to help you.

Ocigledno ste zaboravali odakle vuku Srpski koreni.

Clearly you have forgotten the strength of Serbian roots.

Mi kao stvoreni da kazemo koliko je zatim

We naturally speak about how important this is to us



Sada je dosao red da se Srpska pobeda slavi

Now the time has come to celebrate the Serbian victory

U glavi samo jedan misao:

in our mind only one thought:

Kosovo je Srbija, Srbija je Kosovo.

Kosovo is Serbia, Serbia is Kosovo.

Ono sto je sada vase nase bice ponovo.

That which is now yours will be ours once again.

VTO krece u napad

VTO leads the battle charge

I nista nije gotovo!

and it's still not over!

Siptarija, klosarija, ekstremista i mafija

Albanianisms, thugs, extremists and mafia

Pljujem na sve redom zajedno sa ortacima.

I spit on all one by one together with my buddies.

Albanija je sranje pa zelite i Srpsko

Albania is shit so you now want Serbian territory

Bice vas sve manje kada krenemo dole sa puskom.

There will be less of you when we come there with with our guns.

Jedna zena radja deset [bad word] jedan deda sto unuka.

One girl is pregnant ten times one grandpa has 100 grandsons.

Jadne zene, hajde da ih spasimo od muka,

Poor girls, let's save them from their misery,

Na sterilizaciju, da ih skratimo za generaciju.

All for sterilization, to clip them from the generation.

Jer se kotite ko kerovi

Because you breed like wild pooches

Ceo, brate, onaj isto misiji

Everyone, brother, thinks the same thing about you

Nije to Srbija, to smo ja i ti.

Not just Serbia, you and I both.

Sto cemo da patimo kad nas preplavi siptarija

Why should we suffer when Albanian debauchery floods our land

Na svakom cosku bice dzamija

On every corner they'll be a mosque

Svakog jutra hodza zavija

Every morning the mullah will dress up

Raspasce se Srbija ko stara Jugoslavija

Serbia will break apart just like former Yugoslavia

Vi ekstremisti, mi verbalni teroristi

You are the extremists, we the so-called terrorists

Nacionalisti i osvetnici

Nationalists and avengers

Za svakog po metak jer ste bednici sto pucate po deci.

A bullet is reserved for you all because you're scum who shoot at children.

Bolje nedirajte Cetnicko, Kosovo nece biti multi-etnicko.

If you know what's good for you don't touch what belongs to Cetniks, Kosovo won't be multi-ethic.

Mrs dole u to selo Tiranu.

Go the fuck back to the city of Tiran.

Spremili smo bitku da jebemo mamu,

We have planned a battle to fuck your mother,

Ubij, zakolji, da Siptar nepostoji.

Kill, slaughter, so the Albanians exist no more.

Albanijo, plase se mene ljudi mojih,

Albania, is afraid of me my dear people,

Niko vasih sranja se ne boji

Nobody whatsoever is afraid of your shit

Ajde ovde sve te ljude zakolji i postroji

Over here let's slaughter those people and fall them all in line

Pravite decu ko ludi pa svaki mora da se ustroji

You breed children like crazy so every single one has to be counted

Bolje se moli da te nestigne VT Organizacija,

You'd better pray that VT organization doesn't show up at your door,

Bascancija, reakcija, ode cela vasa nacija

Baščaršija, reaction, there goes our whole nation

Imate masne brkove i brade za dzabe

You have thick mustaches and beards for nothing

Palite zgrade, moli se koliko hoces

Burn the buildings, pray however much you want

Bin Laden je gotov, juce smo ga skinuli

Bin Laden is finished, we ousted him just yesterday

Ne hvali se bliznakinjima jer nismo ih dirnuli

Don't brag about that to your many sibling look-alikes because we didn't touch them

Dosad se niste brinuli

Until now you haven't been afraid

Ali hocete, vreme,

But you will be, in time,

Kuda se nestaje, kad se krene

wherever we are, when we come

Svi ste gotovi

You'll all be finished

Ali decu i zene ne diramo

But the children and the women we won't touch at all

Dugo neispoljivan, Srpski knez ceriramo

It's been a long time coming, the Serbian king is gritting his teeth

Glave lomi ko korpe

Cutting off heads like baskets

Kad krenemo, juris, bezite sto pre

When we come, tails between your legs, run as quickly as you can

Ako zelite da prezivite, palite sa naseg dela Evrope.

If you want to survive, flee from our side of Europe.

Pre brdo godina je pocelo da nam otima se Kosovo

Hundreds of years back the struggle for Kosovo began to unwind

Sada krece ponovo

now it's unwinding once again

Kada se placalo da bi pleme opstalo

When we paid to ensure our tribes survival

I da bi se kotilo, pace nije urodilo

so that we flourish, the ducklings hadn't yet hatched

Sad ih ima brdo, pleme kao krdo

now there's a mountain-full, tribes like a herd

Pa su se odvazili da napadnu nas tvrdo.

So they have mustered up the courage to attack us where it hurts.

Palili nam crkve, vise zvona nezvone

Burned our churches, the bells no longer chiming

Poceli su kuce da nam spaljuju i lome

They began to burn and destroy our houses

Poceli da pricaju “dome, slatki dome”

They began to rub their hands greedily as if to say, Homes, sweet homes

Terajuci zenu, decu, stop kazem tome

Forcing women, children, stop, I say to that

Kao prestanici [bad word] psi eto ih kod me

Like terminators [bad word] dogs there they go beside me

Ima da vas ucimo da stavljate kondome

We need to teach you how to use condoms

Ako nebude po mome, sjebacu morone

If you don't follow that advice, we'll fuck you morons up

Uvek mogu naci neke puske i bombe

I can easily find some guns or bombs

Bezace te ponovo u vase katagonge

to throw again at your katakongs

Zadnje reci ce vam biti “grobe, slatki grobe”.

Your final words will be Burial grounds, sweet burial grounds.

Ja sam poslednji na listi, a tema je osetljiva

I'm the last one on the list, and the theme is rather delicate

Prestavljam ekipu maloletnika, osabanih cetnika

I speak for the team of under age people, special Cetniks

Sto pravi dis protiv bednika,

who are dissing the poor bastards,

Cenzure nece biti, tako da jebiga

Censures will be no more, so fuck it

Prvo, hocemo da razjasnimo neke stvari

First, let's straighten some things out

Ko sa kime vlada, ko su kome vladari

who controls who, who is controlled by whom

Ova borba traje dugo, vec pocinje da stari

This battle will last a long time, it's already starting to get old

Vec dva veka drkaju nas dole Siptari

the Albanians have been fucking with us there for two centuries already

Prvo spojna plemena, pa posle udje grad

First a united tribe, then afterwards entering the city

Svaki Srbin zato drzi pusku ispod usi

Every Serb for that reason carries a gun under their ears

Kao i sablju ispod jastuka

And a sabre under the pillow

Da ga neki smrad ne ufreka

so that some (Albanian) bastard doesn't mug him

smrada vlasti zatvori, a ubrzo i pusti ga.

the judges throw the bastard in jail, and quickly set him free.

Izvine, gde nam je tu logika?

Excuse me, where is the logic in that?

To je ko da pod nama boda brodolomika u oluji

That's like freedom being cast away in the wind

Kosovo je najcrnja hronika.

Kosovo is the darkest tale in our chronicle.

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