Ruke na srce, pozdravi All Stars formacije
Hands on heart, regards All Stars formations
fantomke na glavu mogu da otpočnu akcije
phantoms on head, action can start
Plan je za noćas da im predjemo granicu
Plan for tonight is to cross over their borders
Od kuća i sela vi im napravite klanicu
From houses and villages make them slaughterhouse
Pokoljite šiptare pobite vehabije
Slaughter Shiptars, kill Wahhabi
ko se god buni neka se na kolac nabije
Put on the boomer anyone who kick up a row
vidim da plaču kažem bilo je dosta
I see that they are crying, I say it was enough
i žene i decu sve pobacajte sa mosta
and women and kids throw up from bridge
nema više praštanja
there is no more forgiveness
vidiš kuću - pali je,
you see house - burn it
za svaku našu crkvu, platiće nam vaše džamije
for every our church yours mosques will pay
Kalašnjikov, bombe, visoko tri prsta
AK-47, bombs, high three fingers
neka kleknu kada vide Isusa sa krsta
let them knee when they see Jesus from cross
Jedna je bila Arkanova garda,
One was Arcan's guard
stiže All Stars brigada, Šiptar neka strada
All stars brigade is coming, make Shiptars to suffer
Zvezda na cevi, raketna brzina
Star on gunpoint, racket speed
tenkovi na frontu, oznaka All Stars mašina
tanks on front, mark of All Stars machines
Neće više ništa da se završi bez borbe
Nothing won't be finished without fight anymore
naša je jedinica elitna k'o Kobre
our unit is elite like Cobras
I gledaj sada mali kako keva ti je krvava
And look now boy how your mother is bloody
i zapamtite poruku, KOSOVO JE SRBIJA!!!
and remember message: KOSOVO IS SERBIA!!!!!
Dosta je bilo horora, dosta je bilo terora
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
nema više praštanja, radi ono što se mora
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
krv sa vaših kostiju biće opšte korisna
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Srbija, klan Ultra terorista
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists
Rema manijak, brutalna tiranija
Rema maniac, brutal tyranny
prava havarija, neka nestane Albanija
real accidents, let Albania disappears
Tamanim ja, mrtav je mani ga, spaljena džamija
I'm destroying, leave him, he is dead, burned mosque
rečima k'o rafalima po instrumentalima
with words as burst on instrumentalist
Za Srbiju ubijam
I'm killing for Serbia
mikrofon kidam zubima, reči na poklon drugima
I rip up microphone with my teeth, I'm giving words as a present to others
Tako mi srca i krvi, sve ću da vas smrvim
I swear with my heart and blood, I will smash you all
Predvodim jedinicu i uvek biću prvi
I'm leading unit force and I'll always be the first
u crkvu na zakletvu, pa pravo u borbu
in church on the oath, than direct in fight
za Kosovo naše staviću glavu u torbu
for our Kosovo I will put my head in bag
od vaše krvi čorbe, od vašeg mesa torte
from your blood soups, from your meat cakes
Rema ALL Stars klan, heroj srpske sorte
Rema ALL Stars clan, hero of the serbian brand
Tri prsta, tri igrača, ekipa nikad jača
Three fingers, three players, never stronger team
ustani i pozdravi Šošinog koljača
get up and regret Sosa's cutthroat
Beži Šošo livadom, al' je metak brži
Soso is runing away over meadow, but bullet is faster
gde si poš'o Šošo, zar je dotle došlo?
where are you going Sosa, is it come to that?
nož ti je pod grkljanom, još si dobro proš'o
knife is under your neck, you passed well
Konačna borba, prsa u prsa
Final fight, chest to chest
mene vodi srpska zastava i snaga krsta
Serbian flag and power of cross is leading me
klan Ultra terorista ima da vas smrska
clan of Ultra terrorist will smash you
ALL Stars armija, zauvek čvrsta
ALL Stars army, forever solid
Dosta je bilo horora, dosta je bilo terora
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
nema više praštanja, radi ono što se mora
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
krv sa vaših kostiju biće opšte korisna
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Srbija, klan Ultra terorista
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists
Novo stanje, novo sranje, zemlja ranjena posustaje i ne može da ustane
New state, new shit, wounded country
Srbijo na noge slede bitke mnoge protiv šiptara i droge
is quitting and it can't get up
savremene babaroge Amerike, što gaji degenerike
Serbia, get on your legs, a lot of battles against Shiptars and drugs are comings
kaži dokle da trpim laži dok nam ubijaju vojnike na straži
contemporary bogeyman America, which is raising degenerates
za šaku dolara, o genocidu slaži
tell me how much to endure lies while they are killing our soldiers on guard
for hand of dollars, make lies about genocide
za sve koji je vole
jedna srpska suza, hiljadu Albanaca
for everyone who loves her
spaljena Tirana, Srbin grize k'o pirana
onr serbian tear, thousand Albanians
bitka za Kosovo do sudnjega dana
burned Tirana, Serb is bitting as piranha
sa megdana uzdignute glave, trobojke se dižu
battle for Kosovo until Judgment Day
i pobedu slave, nikad više enklave
from contest with raised head, tricolour flag are rising
nikad više poraz,
and celebrates victory, never again enclave
SRBIJA JE KOSOVO, za čast i obraz
never again debacle
tudje neću, svoje ne dam ja
dok kroz nisan gledam vas
I don't want anything from someone else. I don't give what is mine
sata-ta-ta-ra, zemlja vekovima stara
while I'm watching you through the target
s verom u Boga, Srbe spašava sloga
sata-ta-ta-ra, country old by centuries
imamo kulturu, jezik nam je bogat
with faith in God, unanimity is saving Serbs
da bi skinuli djanu, jebali ste koze
we have culture, our language is rich
silovali sestre, sve u ime loze
to take off hymen, you fucked goats
Ima da vas nema, odvratna stvorenja
raped your sisters, everything in name of dynasty
za budućnost Srbije i njenih pokolenja
you will disappeare, disgusting creatures
Dosta je bilo horora, dosta je bilo terora
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
nema više praštanja, radi ono što se mora
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
krv sa vaših kostiju biće opšte korisna
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Srbija, klan Ultra terorista
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists