Translation of the song Mi smo ta ekipa artist Beogradski Sindikat


Mi smo ta ekipa

English translation

We are the team

BS, ekipa na sve spremna

BS, the team at all ready

Ceo zivot sam u treningu

I'm in my whole life

da srusio bih prepreku

I would ruin an obstacle

da gusio bih nevolju

I'd be in trouble

na dusi moju veliku

my soul is great

Pa sam se cimao

So I was crying

u najgorem vremenu

in the worst weather

hodao po trnju

he walked on the thorns

ne po crvenom tepihu

not on the red carpet

I kad nije bio blistav zivot

And when it was not a glittering life

imalo je smisla

it made sense

krivo nije bilo nikad

wrong was never

zbog odricanja trista

for giving up three hundred

I kao pit griz'o

And as a pit pit

suocen sa krizom

faced with a crisis

mogao sam 10

I could 10

a 150 diz'o

a 150 diz'o

Nisam osetio poraz

I did not feel lost

neki kazu da je gorak

some say it's bitter

neki kazu da je borba

some say it's a fight

samo predigra za propast

just foreplay for ruin

Kad je tesko kazu dosta

When they say it's hard enough

u stvari to je klopka

in fact it's a trap

ali imam serum protiv toga

but I have a serum against it

formula je volja

formula is the will

Sunce koje przi

The sun that sucks

k'o da kaze da izdrzim

as if to say that I endure it

vetar muzika za usi

wind music for us

ritam kisa koja pljusti

the rhythm of the rain that spit

Po Beogradskom asfaltu

By the Belgrade Asphalt

gde legende nastaju

where legends arise

da cvetaju k'o tikve

to bloom like a pumpkin

dok u najbolje ne stasaju

while in the best they do not get up

Kroz pukotine nikle

Through the crevices of nickel

u svakom gradskom naselju

in every city area

do zvezda su se digle

They starved to the stars

ali pamte sve odakle su

but remember everything they are from

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x

Sija Sunce kao zlato

The Sun shines like gold

svi u napad samo hrabro

Everyone in the attack is just brave

znaj da u Beogradu

Know that in Belgrade

danas je dan za pobedu

today is a day for victory

Mi smo ta ekipa

We are the team

sto se kapira u pokretu

which moves in motion

ratija po kodeksu

war of the Codex

matira u potezu

he matures in a move

Mi smo ta ekipa

We are the team

sa stanjem u posedu

with a state of possession

dogovor u pogledu

agreement in view

dovoljan za odluku

sufficient for decision

Kad nas emocije nose

When emotions carry us

i kad brige nas lome

and when they worry us break

to je poenta ekipe

this is the team's point

svi nas znaju po tome

all of us know about it

Svi da pamte sampione

Everyone should remember the champions

sampione milione

champions of millions

koji ostavljaju srce

which leave the heart

dok u borbi ne izgore

until they fight in battle

Jer tako samo mi odrasli

Because that's how we grew up

vaspitani spartanski

educated Spartan

detinjstvo nismo imali

We did not have childhood

da postali bi najbolji

to become the best

Da ostali bi besmrtni

To remain immortal

mi smo se povezali

we have connected

sebe smo se odrekli

We gave up ourselves

tako smo se spremali

That's how we got ready

Ajmo ruke sada gore

Let's go now

jer je narod ovaj stvoren

because this people was created

da do zore bodri one

until dawn

sto za moje boje gore

table for my colors worse

Jer mi smo dosli dovde

Because we came here

da ostvarimo snove

to realize dreams

da zapalimo more

to burn the sea

sve vas dignemo na noge

We're all going to your feet

Nasa misao, ideja

Our thought, idea

nek' zasija kao baklja

Someone shines like a torch

svi zajedno sa nama

all together with us

jer odavde nema nazad

because it does not come back

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x

BG, nula, jedan, jedan

BG, zero, one, one

danas je dan za pobedu

today is a day for victory

Ruke gore, nasa zemlja

Hands up, our country

'ajmo svi, danas je dan

Let's go, everyone is today

za pobedu

to win

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x

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