Sedim u kafiću, ljude posmatram sa strane
As I sit in the cafe, I observe the people from the corner of my eye
I vremena se sećam kad sam im'o dane tamne
and I recall the times when I had dark days
Kada nisam znao gde ću, svuda pakao i sranje
When I didn't know what to do, hell and shit everywhere
Kad sam maštao o sreći, život merio na grane
When I fantasized about happiness, measuring life to be as high as the branches
Sa drugom se srećem - tako priča i polazi
With another is happiness - that's how the saying goes
Bučno kreću se vozovi - nijedan slučajni prolaznik
From Bučno go the trains - not even one random passenger
Na sve strane lažem zašto nema te u školi
From every side I lie about why you aren't in school
I ne znam šta da kažem kada pitaju me tvoji
And I have no idea what to say when they ask about you
A kući da ne zove profi kao rek'o sve
But the pro's [hit-men?] won't be calling your house like everyone thinks
Kao bolestan si gadno, da ti stalno nosim lekove
You're sick as hell, I'm always bringing you medicine
A sad mi brzo pričaj zašto zvao si me ovde
But now tell me quickly why you called me here
Ovo nam je štek za frku i mnogo gadan problem
This will bring us a pile of shitty problems
Pokazuje mi ruku - Znam, zato te i zovem
He shows me his hand - I know, that's why I'm calling
Jer ti verujem k'o drugu, jer sam počeo da se bodem
Because I believe you like a friend, because I just started to inject
Šta, ne verujem, u venu si se puk'o
What!? I don't believe it, you've pierced the vein
Sjeb'o sam se skroz, tako krenuo i navuk'o
I'm completely fucked, that's how it started and hooked me
Šta tako krenuo i navuk'o - je l' sam ja to dobro čuo
What!? That's how it started and hooked me - do I hear that correctly
Pa ti si takve tuk'o, maltretirao i pljuv'o
But you used to beat the shit out of, abuse and spit on junkies!
Znam da jesam, znam sve, ovo je greška
Yes I admit it, I know everything, it was a mistake
Veruj, znam i naš dogovor i tu granicu sam preš'o
Believe me, I remember our agreement and I've crossed that line
Brate, biće teško, al' sam s' tobom od početka
Brother, it'll be hard, but I haven't been with you from the start
Za sve ima leka - idemo treninzi k'o nekad
For everything there's a cure - let's go practice like before
Jer ovde stoji jedan i za pakao spreman
Because in front of you here is one who is ready even for hell
Čeka da krene uz tebe na bilo koju neman
He waits to come by your side to face whatever monster
Od tad prošle su godine, al' brate, isto mi nedostaješ
From there the years passed, but brother, I still miss you
Jer ljude s' takvim srcem više ne upoznajem
Because I no longer meet people who have that kind of good heart
Besponosno se sećam dok gledam put neba
With a straight face I reminisce while I gaze at the tracks of the clouds
Zato ako bude frke gore - tu sam, zovi ako treba!
So if there's worse problem- I'm here for you, call if you need me!
Ref. Da li znaš kako živim svaki dan
Ref. Do you know how I live every day
I još uvek nasmejan
And yet I'm still full of smiles
Kroz ovo more problema ja plovim pravo kroz vetar!
Through these oceans of problems I sail straight through the wind!
Srećem ortaka iz kraja - on je na dopu godinama
I meet an old buddy from the block - He's been using dope for years
Priča ostao je bez stana, pa sad po hodnicima spava
There was no end to our reminiscing, so he's now sleeping in the hallways
Nekad je bio lik do jaja, mog'o si se zakleti u njega
He was once someone to look up to, you could trust him with your life
A sad tu stoji krezav i bedan, zenke k'o da nema
But now he just sits there poor and destitute, with no women by his side
A sećam se kad smo bili deca koliko smo se gadili svega
But I remember how as kids everything was disgusting
Dok smo gledali starije džankije kako propadaju od reda
While we watched the older junkies waste away like flies
Mogao sam tada glavu da dam da nas druga sudbina čeka
I would have given up my head back then to protect myself from that destiny
A sada kada ga pogledam samo pomislim: Kakva šteta
But now when I look into his eyes I only think: What a pity
I savest me izjeda jer se tripujem da sam mogao
And my conscience eats at me because I'm freaking out since I could
Da mu pomognem da se izvuče 'mesto što sam ruke digao
have pulled him out of that place from which I have lifted my hands
Da sam ga barem druknuo, pa tek onda da sam ustuknuo
I could have at least told someone, and then I could have moved away
Barem njegovi da su saznali pre nego što se prvo puknuo
If at least his family would have known the truth prior to his collapse
Sada bi i oni bili živi, a on bi imao neku šansu
then maybe they too would now also be alive, and he would have had a chance
Da su ga poslali u Moskvu dok još nije bilo kasno
if they had sent him to Moscow when it still wasn't too late
A ja sam samo gledao i ćutao, i pustio ga da vene
But I just watched and shut my mouth, and left him to use
Mislio sam shvatiće, da će moći da se prene
I thought he'd come around, that he'll be able to turn around
Da neće dozvoliti da se sjebe, da je to samo trenutna faza
That he won't let his life to go to complete shit, that's its all just a temporary phase
Nisam znao šta je đavo - stvar od svakog jača
I didn't know the devil's face - a being stronger than anything
I sad na ivici plača nemoćno gledam drugara
And now on the edge of the path powerlessly I look at my friend
Ova moja prokleta duša, jedna gnojava rana
My corrupt soul, now in it a deep wound that oozes pus
I zato želim reći vama kojima je gudra do jaja
And so I want to tell those of you who now look up to someone
Da se ne zajebavate jer ćete sjebati i one koje volite
Don't fuck around with your life because you'll fuck up those you love
Da nećete moći da se vratite i ako tripujete da možete
You won't be able to turn back even if you now think you can
Jer i oni što su propali su isto tako mislili
Because those whose lives have now turned to shit also thought like that
A sad su samo grobovi, gorki tripovi i sećanja
And now they're just graves, bitter to the taste and memory,
Ne na ono što su bili već na ono što su postali..
Not because of what they were but because of what they became.
Ref. Da li znaš kako živim svaki dan
Ref. Do you know how I live every day
I još uvek nasmejan
And yet I'm still full of smiles
Kroz ovo more problema ja plovim pravo kroz vetar!
Through these oceans of problems I sail straight through the wind!